Is Reiki & Energy Healing Safe?

The Mystical Tibetan Dzi Beads

Dzi beads are the most mysterious beads known today. Their exact date of origin and the way they are manufactured are unknown.

The Sacred Magic Octagon Pa Kua

This octagon is built on 8 trigrams. Its sides (directions) indicate the various aspects of your life, which can be harmonized in accordance with feng shui. If you learn the concept of Ba Gua, you’ll know how to change the interiors to improve your life.

How Christians May Perceive Friendship

One dictionary meaning of the word FRIEND is a person, not a relation, whom one knows and likes very well. If this becomes mutually recognized between two persons, then friendship is born or a friendly relationship begins. While this is so, Christians who practice their religion religiously will only be too prepared to flesh up this lexical definition in order for our understanding of friendship to be grossly enriched.

Feng Shui Mandarin Ducks For Relationships

Mandarin is a name that was used to refer to officials in imperial China, and later also in Korea and Vietnam. The name comes from the Portuguese word “mandarim” denoting a minister, and from the Sanskrit word “mandarin” denoting a commander. The word “mandarin” corresponds to the Chinese word guan.

God’s Helicopter View Times Two

In case you are new to the term “helicopter view,” I’ll try and briefly explain it. We as humans were placed in “time,” which was created by God. It’s easy to conceptualize God creating mountains and animals, but it is easy to forget or not even consider that God created everything.

Part 3 – Importance to Go For Teachings

So when we go to the temple, when we go to the main monastery, Sharpa Choje sits on a huge throne. Lati Rinpoche is also on a throne like that. Huge. Sharpa Choje wears the Pandit’s hat and Lati Rinpoche wears a normal hat because he is in the presence of the Sharpa Choje who is above him on the hierarchy.

In All Things God Works For the Good of Those Who Love Him

Every dimension exists. All sorts of possibilities are possible. We can see life through different viewpoints – none of these are necessarily more right or wrong than the next. The world belongs to the open mind. These statements above, whilst appearing perhaps postmodernly utopian, have a truth about them so far as God’s concerned.

Albert Low – Renown Zen Master

Albert now resides in Canada, but has also lived in South Africa, England, and the United States. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Philosophy; he is a trained counselor. In 2003, he earned the degree of Doctor of Law at Queen’s University in Ontario.

Coming Alive

One way to come alive is to serve others; not as a servant, but as the obvious outcome of being our authentic selves, and this in turn makes us feel more and more alive. However, which comes first?

Is Your Faith Alive Right Or Dead Right?

Our challenge around faith is that the truth would not only transform our minds, but our hearts and our very lives. The outcome of which is best defined by our relational results.

The True Healer

Health, Healing and Life itself, is a real mystery. We are often unsure what we see, know or experience. How much is understood about what sustains our ‘life support systems’?

Turn Persistent Thoughts Into Prayer

Are you suffering from persistent negative thoughts? Turn these thoughts to prayer.

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