What Will The Temples of Tomorrow Look Like?

John Bevere – Biblical Teachings

John Bevere delivers uncompromising truth through his award-winning curriculum’s and bestselling books that have been translated into over 60 languages. Currently, there are over 20,000 Churches around the world using John Bevere’s biblical teaching curriculum’s to transform their congregations into extraordinary believers.

Healing Abusive and Negative Self-Talk

We all have a little (and sometimes, quite loud) voice inside of us that likes to torment us when we are not performing as it thinks we should. Its favorite pastime is to compare: who we are now versus who we were or who we should be in the future, what our friends are doing, who our parents wanted us to be, what the magazines say. If we don’t measure up to those arbitrary standards, then the whipping begins. We can be conscious of qualities that we don’t like about ourselves without devolving into abuse, and we can challenge ourselves to improve with encouragement and compassion.

The Benefits of Sitting Still and Listening

Sit still, and watch your destiny unfold. How good are you at sitting still when your life or health is on the line?

Financial Champions – Part III

The third key to becoming a financial champion is efficient spending. Webster tells us that to be efficient means to perform or function in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort.

When the Virtual Hug of God Evolves Into Conversations With God

The amazing journey of literally feeling the virtual hug of God, with you every day, then being accepted into “God School” where one learns to develop an ongoing dialog with God! Now that I have come to feel the Virtual Hug of God/Higher Power/Spirit… things have evolved to a new more interesting level!

Temptation Isn’t Sin – Right? Part II

Now the temptation may come back in less than 60 seconds and this is why you have to be on guard and rebuke it out loud again and again and again. You have to outlast the temptation. If you do this you will find your strength will grow in this area so that what used to be a temptation won’t be able to tempt you as it did before.

Destiny – The Joint Venture of Your Soul With Your Consciousness and Your Will

Fate and Destiny are rather immense topics, so how does one deal with them in an article? Chiefly, to draw contrasts to the Facts of Fate, and the Conscious Achievement involved in Destiny. There is so much that is already fixed in our lives, that one could, if one were in the mood – one of despair, or just listless fatigue, construe that the gods have made so many things fixed in our lives that we are down here just to move around our little boxes and try to gain pleasure from whatever falls our way.

Temptation Isn’t Sin – Right?

I believe there is much confusion about the subject of temptation. While many people know that temptation is not a sin, I believe people can fall into condemnation or guilt for temptation. This is what we are going to address today.

The Power of Writing in Ministerial Degree Programs

Are online bible colleges and theological seminaries competing so hard for new students that they are throwing essential skills out the window for aspirants of ministry. Writing is a skill that is mandatory for every minister and provides depth both in insight and spirituality. Learn why writing must be added back to all online schools of ministry!

Sermon Notes – The Advantage, Cling to God

In this series over the next two months we are going to address relationship and finances from a biblical premise. With unemployment soaring to new heights and housing markets tumbling, people are falling deeper into depression.

Becoming a Financial Champion Part II

Last week we covered the first area of becoming a financial champion; being a champion giver. This week we are diving into the second part of becoming a financial champion; becoming a champion worker. This doesn’t necessarily mean working hard as much as it means working smart, and that’s not to say working smart isn’t hard though.

Yes, You Are God!

Okay, so, your parents were wrong. You ARE the center of the Universe!

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