Make The Most Of Your Most Valuable Possession

3 Easy Preschool Christian Easter Crafts

These preschool christian Easter crafts make the story of the resurrection of Jesus come to life. Celebrate Easter with crafts like Jesus is risen cup, the tomb craft as well as a scratch cross.

Will You Expect a Miracle Today?

Expecting miracles or greatness must first come from what you are thinking. Your physical life gives you many advantages. Why not find out how much your thoughts can create all things in life?

Realize That the Power Within Can Create Greatness

Spirit deems the ability for us to change is within our thoughts and minds. If you want to expand your knowledge, then reading the following article is a must!

2012 and the Mayan Calendar – 7 Myths and Why You Should Ignore the New Age Alarmism

Remember “Y2K?” Consider the noise surrounding 2012 and the Mayan calendar to be similar. The alarmists and poetic New Age opportunists who promote their tall tales while tugging at your heart strings with “heart-centered” communications will move on to other things in 2013.

Wholesale Flowers As a Ministry

Anyone who has ever visited a nursing home is familiar with the sense of loneliness and longing that many of the residents seem to feel. While some patients in a nursing home setting have wonderful families, others tarry as days turn to years without anyone coming to see them.

Jealousy – Window of Opportunity For Spiritual Growth?

I’ve experienced jealousy in romantic relationships and also in friendships; who hasn’t? It’s never fun and it’s always attached to a lot of drama, which is very much “old energy.” Jealousy is a fear-based emotion that we’ve all had to deal with from time to time, but if we find it popping up in our lives over and over again, the universe is sending us a message.

Talisman Kuan Kung Protects Homes From Evil

This commander was so revered for his heroic feats that after his death, the Chinese started to believe religiously in his spiritual protection and patronage. In the 12th century, Kuan received the title of Duke and then Prince, and in the 16th century, he received a posthumous title of Emperor and God.

Self Coaching on Root Chakra Issues

The first or root Chakra (Muladhara in Sanskrit) is located in the base of the spine, at the perineum, the area between the genital and the rectum. This chakra is related to family, community and tribal issues. It is the home of our life force and it supports our physical health and vitality as it is the center that connects us to the grounding energy of the Earth and to the physical reality.

A Woman’s Heart

A woman of God knows that the muscle residing in the left side of her chest’s only function is to pump blood throughout her body for physical survival. She knows that her perceptions, ideas, thoughts, and desires are actually the residence of her spiritual heart.

How Long Did it Take God to Create the Universe?

This is not an easy question to answer. God did not give us an exact time span as to how long it took Him to create the heavens and the earth.

When the Mountains Seem So High and the Valleys Seem So Low!

The desert melts our souls with the troubles of the heat of the day. At night, the coldness of our tormented minds consumes us. Have you ever been there?

Holistic Coaching With the Chakra System

Chakras are centers of energy which receive, transform and distribute the universal life force throughout the body. As such, chakras play an important part in our physical, emotional and spiritual health. Chakra means “wheel” in Sanskrit, and while the traditional chakra system is made up of several hundred chakras, it is generally agreed that there are seven main chakras stacked in a column of energy that spans from the base of our spine to the crown of our head.

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