Does Eckhart Believe in Prayer? | Eckhart Answers

Flow of Energy – The Master Sees Things As They Are, Without Trying to Control Them

The way of life is ever flowing. Like a river our awareness seeks reunion with the ocean of unity consciousness. You are born into the world fresh and new, full of potential; the soul has been given the opportunity to experience the world of form.

Flexibility – The Master is Ready to Use All Situations and Doesn’t Waste Anything

When you begin to examine your thoughts and beliefs it is an ongoing and relentless search for truth and your relationship to it. The searching for spiritual truth is a reflection of that part of you that is not satisfied. When you begin to observe the world with a clear mind, then answers will appear.

Reading the Bible Will Improve Yourself

Do you want to improve yourself? Most of us do, but don’t really know how. Reading the Bible will automatically improve yourself.

Techniques For Choosing a Good Home Church

All over the world, millions of people still hold church attendance dearly and for most Christians, Sunday is the day when the attend church functions. Depending on the country you’re in, there may or may not be numerous churches around. Most major cities in the world have several hundred churches within their environs.

Liberating Animals, Part 2 – What’s the Difference Between Shakyamuni Eating Meat vs Me Eating Meat?

People say Shakyamuni ate meat, so if Shakyamuni eats meat, it means we can eat meat. But Shakyamuni did a lot of things that we can copy but it won’t have the same result? Shakyamuni, Manjushri, Kuan Yin are enlightened. Action that is associated with them will benefit that sentient being, even eating their flesh.

The Lord Speaks to His Children Through Different Mediums – The Still Small Voice

Hearing God speak through the still small voice is a vital medium, apart from the word of God ‘The Bible’. Frankly speaking, on rare occasions can we hear God in noisy situations; the reason why we are urged to observe a ‘quiet time’, a time to refrain from being distracted, a time to be alone with God, is to enable us hear the Lord’s voice if He chooses to speak to us, especially if it is through the still small voice.

There is Hope in the Midst of the Economic Chaos

The last couple of years have been very challenging. This article is meant to provide some words of encouragement and useful reminders. I have been helping some families deal with these issues since the country’s financial crisis first started, and I realize how many other families are still hurting right now.

Fruit of the Spirit Breakdown

There are 3 types of love. There is Eros love, which is known as “erotic love”. There is Philos love, which is a brotherly love or a love known between two friends. And lastly, there is the ultimate love, Agape love, which means unconditional love.

Embracing 2012 – Is the Ascension All Over, Already?

An ever increasing number of ‘stories’ about 2012 and the period marked by the end of the Mayan Calendar are emerging everyday. All too often these stories of the future are very negative. However, we must embrace 2012, not fear it. This article suggests that the main time of transition has already occurred.

How to Tell If You’re Receiving True Guidance

It has been said over time that those who hear voices are going mad. What about those who hear voices in their dreams? Are they mad also? How do we determine when we have heard the voice of the reason, and when we have received true guidance?

Our Bodies and the Grace of Movement

Perhaps we forget that since everything that is present is the presence of God, or Mind, or Spirit then what appears as our body and all its parts is not separate from God. Remembering this we don’t negate our bodies and turn away from them thinking that someday we will vacate them and become spiritual. Instead, we recognize that what appears as a body has its substance in Spirit the same as everything else that we see and experience.

What Lane Are You Traveling in Life?

Sometime ago, I was watching the movie, Office Space. I didn’t see the whole thing but I’ll never forget dying of laughter after watching the beginning of the movie when the main character was on his way to work in rush hour traffic. He was in the middle lane which, by the way, wasn’t moving an inch, and he’s sitting there watching the left and right lane just cruising along.

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