What Christians Should Do More
As a Christian, when you’re asked the question: “What should you do more in your life?” what would be your reply? I guess very strongly that your reply would center on things to do more with making life better pleasurable to yourself. To that, there may be no crime, it’s human.
Expectation and Attachment – The Anti Buddha Consciousness of Anxiety, Fear and WorryExpectation and attachment are the worst enemies of man. These two simple words keep humanity trapped in a place of anxiety, fear and worry. Fear can only exist if you have an expectation and an emotional attachment to an outcome either happening or not happening.
Evil DoersPeople often ask me if I believe there are evil doers, who only raise havoc on earth and/or in the spirit world. There are certainly a plethora of incidents that could point to those who are only evil doers.
Spiritual Coaching and Spiritual Response Therapy – Pathway to Experience Serenity?Do you find yourself repeating similar patterns that limit you and your fullest potential? Do you find yourself feeling stuck in the same repetitive cycles of your life, same cycles of relationships, same cycles of financial situations, same cycles of behavior that cause more pain and suffering?
The Difference Between Evaluation and AppreciationOne of the ways we find meaning in something is to compare it to another. When we go to the grocery store, we squeeze several tomatoes before we buy them. If we find a ripe one, we test a few more to make sure we find the ripest.
Unity in DiversityUnity requires the deft balance of a tight rope walker. If you tip one way, you end up wishy washy and pliable, terrified of conflict and unable to take a stand.
The Meaning of Life – A ManifestoEver since people were able to distinguish the idea of ‘I’ from the idea of ‘my’, they’ve been asking the question, ‘why?’ In a hundred million different ways, people ask, “Why am I here?”
Learn About The Trinity Called Mind, Body And SpiritOur sustenance in this world depends on two life force energies, one called universal life force energy and another called universal cosmic energy. In eastern scriptures, universal life force energy is called “Prana Shakti” and universal cosmic energy is called “Kundalini Shakti.”
Christian Warfare – Dealing With Demons of the MindThese paraphrases illustrate the depth of mind battle that Christianity encompasses. They do not fully detail from where do the imaginations come. Neither do they explain the development of thoughts that lead to disobedience. They do not expound upon the length of the battle. They do help the struggling Christian.
Understanding God’s Created WomanIn our day to day quest sometimes we question ourselves as women. These questions range in a broad spectrum. Why am I here? What is my purpose? Am I doing all that I should and could be?
Understanding Channeled Messages – What You Need to Know About Channeled MessagesChanneled messages are often difficult to understand because they come from a “higher realm.” This article translates into more accessible language a channeled message from Ascended Master El Morya. The channeled message stresses the importance of reconnecting with your higher self for gaining inner harmony.
Alphabet of Spiritual Fulfillment – Chapter AMany people will find it difficult to accept that God is made up of or may be found in absolutely EVERYTHING around us, things seen and not seen, especially when the appearance of the thing(s) seen brings about negative emotions. Therefore, although they may agree that God is All, they will find it difficult to accept that All is (also) God.