Is Your Inner Monologue Destroying You? | Eckhart Tolle on Self-Talk and Negative Internal Dialogue

The Wave Within

You think the ocean’s mighty waves are awesome? You haven’t seen power until you look within! What’s churning in your soul can re-direct the course of your life, if you learn how to tap in and ride the tide of true purpose and personal fulfillment.

Achieving Peace Within Yourself

When you say you have peace, it means that you have a harmonious relationship with yourself and with others. But in the difficult and unstable times we are in today, it is difficult to maintain this state.

Spiritual Retreat Center – A Place For Renewal

A spiritual retreat center can offer inner renewal for the individual who desires a time and place to explore his inner landscape. Because every person is unique, it is important to take some time to choose the correct spiritual retreat center for you. Consider the amenities and how these amenities work in harmony with your goals for your retreat.

The Tao is the Way

The Tao, translated into English, means “The Way”. Jesus said, “I am the Way.” It’s the same Way. Yes way, Jose! The Way simply means the flow of life, the God-essence not only within all things, vibrating from the core, but the energy traveling through all things, giving it life.

The Second Temptation of Christ – Personal Safety

Quoting scripture to promote falsehoods is done far too often even today. But this is not the deepest concern here. Inherent in the tempter’s promise is that if you follow God’s will and do His word in your life, He will keep you from harm’s way. Psalm 91 is often used as an example of this, and there are many more.

The Fullness of the Holy Spirit

We are very concerned with the doctrine we are teaching. This is very good and biblical, too. But often we overlook the significance of our experiences.

The Every Day Miracle

When we can genuinely win for ourselves as human beings, that is a miracle every day it happens. It feels good and it is good. Sure, it can be said that “winning is not everything” and that is right. If you win wrong it is nothing. This article is not only a “feel good” article, but a “make good” article also.

Creative Mental Workshop – An Introduction!

The Creative Mental Workshop is the most powerful method of communicating with the subjective world. It’s the language of the cosmos. This process is extremely powerful & will make the universe obey all your wishes & orders!

The Power of the Mastermind Group!

Every business needs advice & good advice does not come easy & cheap. Please do not follow the advice of your friends, relatives or parents in doing your business. Their hearts may be in the right place but their minds may be not. They may desire the best for you but not know what is really good for you.

How to Tilt the Entire Universe in Your Favor!

When you do something out of love, it shows. All great men are extremely passionate of everything that they do. They do what others do & some more.

Subjective Programming – How to Program the Mind Subjectively

Whenever you do any kind of subjective programming with other people or the universe, remember one thing which is extremely important – Never ever program a win-lose situation – a situation where one party wins (most likely you) & the other party loses (most likely someone else). No programming of a win-lose situation can ever work. The universe is so intelligent that it will never carry out orders which may help one at the cost of others.

How to Know What You Truly Want – Finding Cosmic Re-Ordering and Attunement!

Understand that you are always either consciously or subconsciously sending vibrations across to the universe through the virtue of your thoughts, feelings & emotions. Even in you’re not asking, you are asking. Even in you’re not desiring, you are desiring.

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