Experience Physical Protection in the Presence of Unconditional Love
We may never know how many dangers from which we were saved. But one thing we are certain of is that many accidents have been avoided and the things that may have happened to us that we call ‘bad’ could have been worse.
Spiritualism – The Way ForwardSo far spiritualism has been largely discarded as an option. But the future will embrace spiritualism as its ruler, though out of compulsion. Spiritualism will reign supreme and in process transmute the whole debate on Balance of Power.
The Greatest and the Most Powerful Anti-Virus Ever Versus the Deadliest Virus in the World!Take heed my friend, we have the deadliest virus ever, so contagious that it spreads like a plague within the whole being of man known as – “The Devil’s Whisper.” This is the deadliest virus ever!
The Spirit of ProphecyWhen talk about prophets, we may think of the weird man wearing strange clothes scolding people for their sin and warning them for the judgment of God. This impression obviously came from the Old Testament. But there is a different expression of prophets and the spirit of prophecy in the New Testament. All believers are called to operate in the spirit of prophecy.
The Limits of DevelopmentThe development of humanity as a whole resembles the development of an individual. An individual goes through the stages of childhood, young adulthood, and maturity.
Squelching Your Senses to Succeed SpirituallyIf you’ve ever wondered how to activate and grow your faith, this article can help. It is simple and easy to do and worth the effort.
Your True Nature is Free and This is How to Attain That StateYour true nature, a state of full consciousness, it is within your grasp, you just do not know it. You see, your true nature is not an organ or a particular thing that you can call your soul.
Collective and Individual Mirrors – A Clear Mind is Like Water, it is Transparent and SparklesA clear mind is like water, it is transparent, and it sparkles with joy and inquires freely. It is the foundation of a healthy life. Awareness pure and simple exists for all people. As you develop self awareness, you are no longer bound by the confines of a limited mind.
Born Into Thought – The Master Allows Things to Come and Go Thus His Heart is As Open As the SkyYou live your life one thought at a time. You are born into thought and as you live, you grow beliefs with thought. The paradox is that although you live by thought self awareness is no thought. No thought is the space behind thought and the recognition of the energy field that supports all life.
Birth of Awareness – We Work With Being, But Non-Being is What We UseWhen you open up to awareness and start seeing the world with a clear mind everything falls in place. There is nothing that happens that is not supposed to happen. All creation is expressing itself continually in its own way. Life without attachment is life in the present moment. Can you think of a time when you were not you? Your experience of the world begins at birth and you slowly begin to discern the difference between yourself and others. This separation evolves into growth of the ego.
Beliefs – Awareness is Like a Well, Used But Never Used UpLanguage was invented when humans developed larger brains and were able to verbalize their identity. You learn names for everything as you developed language; it is the thought process to know the world. However by naming each thing you also bestow a separate identity on each thing. For example a vessel that holds liquid is called a cup. By naming that object, you have identified that form of energy and matter as a cup. When you label anything, it creates an identity that separates it from everything else.
Have You Got Your Life Priorities Right?All of us are born spiritually blind and therefore unable to differentiate between things of this world compared to the things of eternity. So, we spend all our time and energy in seeking worldly wealth, worldly honors, and pleasures that the world offers us. The world we live in today gives us all, without exception, a depraved sense of values, and under this influence, we all tend to get our life priorities woefully wrong.