The Vernal Equinox – Ostara
The Vernal Equinox is the time of year when day and night are of equal length with daylight increasing from then on. There are several other names associated with it including the Spring Equinox, Lady Day and Ostara. The actual day of the Vernal Equinox varies each year, as it follows the lunar cycle, but is commonly held on March 21st.
Stages of Development to Pure AwarenessBefore being aware that there is a higher Self we are basically going about living in what we think is reality and stuck in a self that reacts to events that trigger our emotions. If we never learn, either on our own or shown by someone else, that there is something greater than this, we will continue to think that this is all there is.
Awareness is a Concept That Encompasses the Totality of LifeAwareness is multi-dimensional in the sense that it is recognized by the mind on many different levels of understanding. Awareness is part of the life force within us that created our individual self. It is also the bridge between our understanding of the physical world of form and the unseen dimensions of the spirit world.The creative energy that created life and sustains it has many names.
Accepting Life – Practice Not Doing and Everything Will Fall in PlaceLife’s experiences flow from one moment to the next effortlessly. The ego thinks it is in control, and wants to keep consciousness in body identification. In body identification, you have no connection to anything outside of yourself. The ego says that all your life’s experience is separate and is not connected to anything else. The isolation of ego thought is necessary for development of individuality but it also prevents you from realizing your connection to the shared source of life.
The Lesser SabbatsThe Lesser Sabbats are more closely linked to Germanic pre-Christian feasts than any other and have a larger following in Europe than elsewhere in the world. Like the Greater Sabbats the dates and practices have been adopted by other religious groups, most notably the Catholic Church.
Adding Crystals & Stones to Your Meditation Practice For an Enlightened Experience!I have always loved crystals. I love to be surrounded by them, I love to hold them in my hands and place them on Chakra points during meditation, and I especially love to wear them. When I was young and broke, I remember saving my change in a jar until I had enough money to buy a piece of raw amethyst from a little shop in Woodstock, NY!
It’s Not Just Words But PowerGod’s word is not just words but power. The same power that formed the earth is in the word of God. God gave you his word which is his power and a free will. You create what you want in your life with his word on your lips. It is capable of bringing into your life exactly what God has already called for. When you refuse to put the word of God on your lips all that power goes to waste.
Getting a Grasp on Your Chakra PowerWhen translated from Sanskrit, the word “chakra” roughly means “spinning wheel,” in reference to the body’s 7 energy centers which psychics and seers consider to be spinning vortexes. Each and every spinning vortex is then recognized with a different gland and system in the body, a color, symbol, sound, along with a particular form of consciousness.
Prophecy – Ascent Into God’s GloryChange is coming. As a prophetic voice, I predict the arrival of a new season. A time of God’s glory manifesting in unprecedented ways. God is inviting any who will come; to come up into His glory. That ascent will lead to knowing the reality of His Presence and in turn bring transformation. Are you ready? Are you searching? This article will help you to come up into the glory of God’s Presence.
The Graces of the Holy Spirit – Spiritual Gifts For the Good of AllThe gifts of the Holy Spirit are for today, and they are for all. The evidence is clear and compelling. Discover the truth about “gifts” revealed in the word, grace.
The Picnic Life on the PeaksLife offers uncountable avenues in the right proportions to everyone. These are however dependent on putting up the right mentality towards living it in the right way; which means it is important we get it right.
Have You Heard From God Lately?I’m a big fan of the canceled ABC series, “Eli Stone”. For those of you who never saw it during it’s short life on prime time television, it’s the story of a high powered attorney in a large San Francisco law firm, who begins to have hallucinations (or divine visions, depending on your perspective).