Glimpses of a Powerful Mystical Process – Yogeshwar Linga Consecration at Sadhguru Sannidhi

The Wingmakers

The WingMakers is the culture or tribe of light, from the Central Race, who were the first born of First Source. They are Culture Bearers that teaches us through the Language of Unity, how we will be able to restructure our perceptions of who we really are through our own effort.

The Most Important Lesson I Ever Learned About Judaism

My article is not about the process of my becoming relatively learned. Nor about my years of meaningful yeshiva study. Nor about the string of incredible coincidences that landed me at Ohavei Torah in the first place (although they are fantastic). I am writing to speak about a discovery I made almost immediately upon arriving at the yeshiva.

Developing Christ Consciousness – How to Tap Into Higher Consciousness in Your Daily Life

Are you inspired by the great qualities such as love, compassion, peace and forgiveness that were embodied by Jesus and other great spiritual masters? Would you like to bring more of these into your own life, and be part of the general evolution of human consciousness that is taking place right now? Read on for more information about how you can achieve this, starting today.

A Few Craft Definitions

The one major drawback of working as a Solitary Witch is that you don’t have the more powerful energies of your Coven members! From my coven days, and now being solitary, I know the difference in the levels of energies.

Higher Spiritual Power

The very basic constructs and definition of a Higher Spiritual Power or Higher Power should be left up to the individual because spirituality is quite a personal matter. Each human being has their own individualized experiences with their own form of Higher Power(s), Higher (Supreme) Being(s), and Spirits. If Higher Powers are considered genderless by some individuals, then they may be considered as forms of cosmic energy or…

Why Jesus is Special – 7 More Reasons Why He Was More Than Just a Clever Spiritual Dude

Accepting Jesus as a real person as well as the Son of God is a real step forward in your spirituality, but is it possible to divorce this acceptance from all the religious paraphernalia that surrounds it. Spiritual growth leads to greater happiness and gives life meaning, which is why people seek it in the first place. But what makes Jesus so very different from Buddha, or Mohammed, or Socrates?

Ascend Your Spirit and Core Energies

In a changing world, ascending our core energies are critical to creating a reality that is positive and aligned with light. What is the core energy? If you imagine a bright light in the center of your being, running from the crown point of your head, down the spine.

Living Overwhelmed in a Full of Thoughts, Opinions and Lifestyles World

There are several thoughts, opinions, lifestyles and world views surrounding us today, with each of them trying to control our mind and lead our way of life. They are so numerous that often it is difficult to distinguish between good and evil, right and wrong.

Christian Paradigms and the Art of Following

Our thoughts govern our behaviors. God’s thoughts govern His behavior as well. His thoughts and ways are above ours, so what do we need to know to come up to His level?

Christian Living – Living the Paradox

There is a vital key to understanding the word of God. Much confusion and debate will disappear when this simple concept is seen, and the lives of Gods people will become powerful. What is it?

Muslim in Australia

Islam is one of the most prominent religions in the world today with at least 750 million people practicing. Islam is a voluntary relationship between an individual and his creator. Islam emerged in Arabia during the early 7th century. Islam means “submission” in Arabic, which is the basis for the religion—submitting to the Will of God.

Guide to Spiritual Personal Development Journey

Most people in this generation are struggling with their faith. Nearly everyone faces this kind of experience. Party, alcohol and other whimsical stuff have poisoned the minds of mankind that lead them to have a weak spiritual being. Do not be discouraged because God can always accept you no matter how late your transformation takes place.

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