Gotama on the Small Game
There are only two games to play in life: the small, ignoble one and the large, noble one. Which one are you playing?
Five Ways Out of the Psychic ClosetHave you seen a ghost, had a dream come true, or known when someone was going to call? If you’ve felt fear or anxiety and struggled to cope with the experiences, here are five ways you can help yourself.
Battle of Wills – Longest War EverIn war and battles there are intense moments of fighting between two or more parties. Each party has an agenda to oppose their will or desire upon the next party. Each party engaged in warfare has an ideal plan or will for how and what shall be done and when those two parties don’t agree war begins. In America we have fought many wars none more notable than the civil war between the Union and the Confederacy. This war was a political, social, and also industrial and it would shape the course of American History.
The Source Channels – Polygamy an Act Created by HumansOpening my eyes to the power of daylight after retiring to the power of darkness was thrilling when I received this information through the automatic sleep writing I do since the early part of 2006. The subject matter was not one that I ever gave much thought to but become an interest to me after receiving it from the channel.
Helping Others Through Clicks and ThreadWith news of the disaster in Haiti fresh in our minds and stories still filling the Internet, TV and newspapers around the world, people are making donations online to help out. That is what my family did. Click-we chose a charity.
Why Do I Choose to Be a Christian?First, I want to say that I was not born a Christian. No person is born a Christian! Becoming a Christian is accomplished only by making a choice.
Basic Spiritual Wisdom – You Understand the Stages of Spiritual MeditationBasic Spiritual wisdom comes from experience and self-control, others provide only a spiritual idea. At the center of your consciousness, you have the spiritual wisdom. You do not need to seek spiritual wisdom from any source outside world.
The Spiritual Posture of Present-Moment AwarenessOnce we have become aware of our dysfunctional ego, we can begin to look at each moment of our lives differently. The awareness developed to see our own dysfunctional ego can now be turned outward to the world around us. Each moment of life can now be viewed with fresh perspective. This is another of the spiritual postures – present-moment awareness.
The Number One Secret on How to Get What You NeedWhat is this amazing secret? Have you tried all kinds of tutorials? Have you spend lots of money attending seminars and buying books and tapes? In this article I will reveal this amazing secret on how to get your needs supplied right here and right now and absolutely free.
A Second Chance – Do You Want Change? Are You Brave Enough to Take the Risk?Change is everywhere we look. There are certain things we all have in common: one being that we all make mistakes; one being that we all cause ourselves, and others, to suffer; and one being that, if we have these in common, the solution must be a common one for us all.
How I Learned to Talk With the DeadNever did I have a thought of talking to the dead. It was not within my comfort level of what I could do. I had no interest. When the angels yelled in my ear and in brilliant 3D color, I had to listen. This is the story of why I learned to delve in the realm of the deceased.
Quantum Physics Structural Knowledge (Useful) Versus Decorative Knowledge (Useless)There are two kinds of knowledge. Structural knowledge that you can use to improve your life. And decorative knowledge that causes you to day dream and waste your life away.