INTENSE Energy Ahead: Scorpio Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse Energy Reading (May 5th)

The Sounds of Life

Science has already proven to us that every object we perceive is not actually solid but rather an immense collection of atoms. These atoms are continuously in motion and thus no stationary object is actually still but rather moving with life.

Growth Stage of Spiritual Development – To Help You Acquire Spiritual Wisdom and Spiritual Awakening

In first stage of spiritual development, wisdom of thought to be used to awaken Wisdom of interior. In second stage of spiritual development, wisdom of interior to be used to awakens consciousness in true God. In third stage of spiritual development, Life is purified with humility in the awareness. In stage four of spiritual development, Life is purified with divine karma account in court of True God unlimited.

A Strategy For Transition

Change is all around us; the world at large, the environment, the marketplace, and yes even your personal world. Growth and development will not occur without change. However, all change is not progress, but in order to progress you must change. How are you changing with the changes?

Soul Contract Readings – Did You Know That You Have a Deep Purpose?

Did you know that a Soul Contract reading can reveal your deep purpose? And that the gifts and goals that you have come specifically in this lifetime with can be revealed to you ta a deep level, and very accurately? Read on to find out how a Soul Contract Reading can tell you so much about you!

Attitude of Gratitude – Do You Really Have This?

This article discusses the subject of having an attitude of gratitude. Among the ideas noted are the importance of being thankful for what you have. There are self examination questions followed by a prayer.

And Then There Was One!

Ya, Jah, Ra, YHWH, Jehovah, Brahman, Elohim, El Shaddai, Adonai, Zeus, Theos, Logos, Krishna, Om, Heavenly Father, Divine Mother, Ishvara, Paramatman, Purusha, Allah, Sat and Lord – these are just a few of the more popular names in the attempt to label the original source and substance, creator of all the universe most generically referred to simply as God. With so many to choose from how do we know which one is the right One? Since the beginning of time man has sought to understand the cause of his own existence and the purpose of his life.

Karma – What You’d Better Know For a Better Life

Karma. Is it some weird new age word fashioned by weird people living weird life styles? Or is it something much more, a concept older than recorded history? People talk a lot about karma, but it is often a misunderstood word. This article gives a clear picture of what karma really is and what you had better know about karma to create a better life.

The Crucified Life – To Go to War With Your Flesh and Sin Or Not?

Jesus has been sharing what a disciple really is. First of all Jesus said that in comparison to Him, you have to hate your mother, father, sister, brother, wife, children and even your own life. Jesus means by this no one can serve Him unless they are prepared to let the other relationships suffer if he calls them.

The Law of Vibration – The Only Natural Law That Exists!

We all are inter-connected to one another at a deep cellular level. Anything & everything that you see in this world is made up of Energy. Everything in the universe is energy. Even we human beings are made of energy.

Spiritual Awakening – Do You Need to Meditate?

In all of recorded history there is evidence that mankind has ever been searching for his higher self. We seem to somehow be aware that there is or must be more to our existence than a few paltry years on this earth. In this current day and age we have clearly come beyond the time when religious dogma was a necessary part of the consciousness of mankind, if only to give some hope of a better hereafter.

Lessons From My Hospital Bed

Is it possible to discover a valuable lesson in every problem that we face? Not only is it possible but it is absolutely necessary to our growth and expansion as spiritual beings trying to understand our human experiences.

Your Days of Mourning Will Come to an End

What has the Lord promised that you have assumed wouldn’t materialise as it had been so long ago? I urge you continue to trust and believe Him without wavering as that promise is about to materialise and there is about to be an explosion of victory. The Lord Himself is offering to be your everlasting light. Your time of obscurity has been hampered and your mourning is about to come to an end.

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