Positive SLEEP Affirmations: Enhance SPIRITUAL SOVEREIGNTY Reprogram your mind toward SOURCE WITHIN.

Seeds of God

Have you ever felt hung out to dry? Like no one understood the darkness you faced? Or how abandoned you felt? Read on.

Spiritual Self Mastery – 2012 New Energy Entering the New Age of the Feminine

We are now entering a new age and where feminine energy is coming in. Many say that this has to do with 2012 and the new age coming. It is actually interesting because you think that it is goddess work that is coming in – the Yin. But what seems to be coming in strongly is more of the Yang energy. It is like a cosmic joke because as the feminine gets stronger, the male energy comes in.

Life Meaning and Purpose – Step One – Spiritual Intimacy With Your Maker

Mankind is hungry; soul hungry. A sick soul leads to a sick life. Life without a strong foundation, life lacks meaning and purpose. So just how can we raise our soul up to health? Where do we find the power source for our soul? Step One in finding life meaning and purpose is to create spiritual intimacy with your maker. This article will point you to a power source to consider – the Trinity; and offer tools to cultivate your spiritual garden.

How to Be Average

I have been doing some research and studying lately: looking at various experts’ material regarding business, marketing and the web. I am searching to see if there are common principles in each presentation. So far there are a few.

Patch of Faith Makes Miracles Happen at Holidays

Sometimes you need a patch of faith to make miracles happen at the holidays. Sometimes you have to patch yourself together.

Your Journey Starts Now

We hear of people experiencing tremendous moments of Love and Light-filled consciousness, and wonder what it is like?. We see children playing hour upon hour and try to place ourselves in their moment. However, Life’s enjoyments seem to be mostly separate and distant from us, even unattainable. What can we do?

Seven Ways How to Whup the Devil

Today you can turn the TV on to any major television network and you will see stories about the supernatural, ghosts and psychics: Bones; Ghost Whisperers; Supernatural; Wizards of Waverly Place, and so on. So, I figured if the world is not afraid to tackle supernatural subject matter, then why can’t Christians tackle it.

Perfect and Infinite Children of God

When we incarnate as humans, we are born knowing that we are perfect exactly as we are. We leave God’s embrace to bravely embark on another journey that is human life. We are prepared to master the life lessons that, in spirit, we decreed we would learn and that would assist us in ascending to higher levels of understanding within self and spirit.

What’s the Point of Life?

Is it get up, eat, drink, sleep, go to work, smile and frown? Or is there something else, some other reason for existing? There IS a higher purpose to your life and this article will offer points for you to consider.

Spiritual Calling – Nursing Your Path, Nurturing Your Destiny – Part One

In the merry month of May 1988 in a year of 13 moons, I unknowingly embarked on a spiritual journey that continues to this day. The cosmic tumblers turned and clicked with the precision of a finely produced Swiss chronometer.

How to Pray Article Series – Why Are My Prayers Not Answered? (Part II)

This article is part of an article series that answers your biggest questions about prayer. This part discusses why some of our prayers are not answered by God.

How to Pray Article Series – Why Are My Prayers Not Answered? (Part I)

This article is part of an article series that answers your biggest questions about prayer. This part discusses why some of our prayers are not answered by God.

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