6 tips for attracting love in your 30’s

After This Climb and Ascent by the Grace and Calling of God There is No Higher Seat Anywhere!

In Psalms 120 to 134 there are 15 stages or steps. I think the order is important. Were they read or sung as the worshippers were ascending the slopes in their approach to Jerusalem? Were they used as they ascended the fifteen steps on the south entrance to the Temple in Jerusalem? I have seen these steps on various visits to Jerusalem and have pondered that possibility and considered what that must have been like.

How to Pray Article Series – Ready, Aim, Pray!

This article is part of a series that answers your biggest questions about prayer. This part discusses my “prayer success ritual”.

The Ultimate Gift, The Reason For the Season

Many of us get caught up in finding the ultimate gift for a loved one but sometimes forget the reason for the season. Often times a retail clerk has been instructed to wish us a Happy Holiday at the check out stand. Graciously, I’ll respond with a Merry Christmas! While I understand that this is the politically correct response, isn’t there suppose to be a reason for this season?

Opening Up a Little – Becoming Less Judgmental

The town that’s called a city that I work in has many coffee shops, restaurants and boutique breweries–it’s a tourist Mecca. As I strode past one recently the mural cast over tin cladding of the Little Creatures brewery caught my eye. It said, ‘Open up a little,’ and it was super-imposed over its Little Creature logo (a sort of Anne Geddes-like cute baby angel).

Day of Rest – How it Can Improve Your Work-Life Balance

The ancient spiritual practice of taking a day of rest can help you achieve and maintain work-life balance. And, thought it seems counter-intuitive, it can also improve your creativity and productivity.

I’m Not What You’re Used To!

I was at lunch the other day enjoying good food and conversation with some friends. One of them was discussing what he was like before we knew him and made this statement: “I’m not what you are used to.” My mind began to reel!

Gifting Your Future Self

Instead of giving our future self a problem, wouldn’t it be more fun to give our future self a gift? Future self – as in tomorrow, later today, next year, or 10 years from now.

Sliding Doors – Inter Dimensional Doorway to Universal Abundance

There seems to be a strong movement in popular culture in recent years about how to “tap” into Universal Abundance… lots of books, videos and lectures abound on the subject. And yet, it doesn’t appear many folks are achieving success in mastering the Law of Attraction.

2012 – What Will You Choose For Your Life?

Have you heard of the date 12/21/2012? Most living in the Western world have I am sure. As we draw closer to that date, its meaning becomes more profound in our lives. What does it mean in your life? This article asks the simple question – how will you prepare your life for that event?

My 2012 Prediction

I grew up believing in the doomsday prediction. When it did not come to volition in 1976 as my leaders had forecasted, I still could not get it out of my head. This belief held me back from accomplishing many things that I am capable of.

Discovering Life Balance Through the Wheel of the Year

Working with the Wheel of the Year helped me create a more personally authentic holiday season and deepened my connection to nature. Over time learning to honor all the points on the Wheel of the Year gradually showed me the way to greater life balance. Learn how this powerful tool can assist you.

The Experience of Enlightenment

Do you see the light? Enlightenment is one of those terms that mean a lot of different things to many different people.

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