Speak Your Dreams Into Existence. Here’s How.

Psalm 131 – A Song For Patience of Hope

Mountain climbing is known to be an extremely risky exercise, requiring much considered planning and good fortune, at least as far as the tall peaks are concerned. The natural elements and hazards are pitted to the human spirit, a line-ball game in anyone’s reckoning. And yet, there’s a very real spiritual mountain we also climb; we’re on that journey, now, as we breathe. Many do not realise this.

2012 and Your Higher Self – What’s the Connection?

The Mayan calendar, the galactic alignments and the channeled messages from the higher realms are all interesting trivia associated with 2012, but they’re not going to cause the connection with your higher self and the subsequent raising of consciousness that will bring the Golden Age into your inner world first, and then into your outer world. There’s no getting around it; you will still need to reconnect within and integrate your higher self into your life. This isn’t easy, but it’s extremely gratifying.

How to Develop Sound Reasoning Skills

Developing reasoning skills is very important. God has given us a mind that has the ability to think creatively. We can only come to good decisions if we think rationally. If we are not able to think a thing through intelligently, we will find ourselves believing and action upon lies.

Houston Explosion

Chilling words to hear. First thing I thought about when I saw the words “Houston Explosion” was the Apollo 13 mission. Did you know that the famous words spoken during those horrific trials were not “Houston We Have A Problem” like everyone thinks? Nope. The actual words spoken were “Houston We’ve Had A Problem”.

The Philosophy of Qualified Non-Dualism

In philosophy of mind, dualism is a set of views about the relationship between mind and matter, which begins with the claim that mental phenomena are, in some respects, non-physical. Non – dualism holds that everything in the world permeates from the first cause and there is no distinction between non – entity, physical objects and mental objects. The philosophy of qualified non – dualism or vishistadvaita (in Sanskrit) propounds that the world is non-dualism of the qualified whole, in which the first cause alone is characterized by multiplicity.

Maintaining Focus During Difficult Times

Things are happening in this world that we could have never imagined years ago including unemployment, foreclosures, terrorists acts, and Swine Flu. Despite this, God wants us to remain focused.

Meditation – A Simple Technique to Get You Started

Life is fast and it’s hard to keep up with the pace. As a result, we tend to lose focus on the important stuff. Because of our earthly needs that must be met, we neglect the importance of inner peace. Without inner peace we may feel that our life is full of stress, is unfulfilled and confusing. We feel unhappy and disconnected. This is the primary purpose of meditation.

The Philosophy of Non-Dualism

Due to cause and effect relation which is manifest in this Universe, the physical world, the world of humans, the world of the soul and the world of non action via the first cause that created the Universe. The philosophy of non duality advocates non distinction between all the differences that we see in the world due our limited thought processes.

How to Relax and Let Go

Psalm 119:105 says “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my Path”. This tells me to let my life unfold, without trying to figure it out beforehand. Each step I take leads me closer to the fulfillment of my purpose here on earth, and I only need to see the next step. I don’t need to try so hard, but just allow things to unfold the way they are meant to.

You Can Train and Learn the Art Behind Yin-Yang Balance

People often think about positive thinking especially with the recent film, The Secret. But this is so much more than just thinking positively. This is changing your whole life energy force so that it is always positive and therefore attracting more positivity, prosperity and success into your life.

New Revelation – The Golden Age of the Christ Consciousness

The word “Christ” has been used for many centuries by Christian religions to refer to the historical Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus did in actuality attain full Christ consciousness while on Earth and subsequently ascended to the spiritual heavens, becoming an Ascended Master in the process. Yet as Jesus stated in the Bible, “what I can do, you can do also”.

Prophetic Ministry – 7 Reasons Why Prophetic Training Can Help You Develop Your Gift of Prophecy

Do you have the spiritual gift of prophecy? Have you considered prophetic training as a way to develop your prophetic ministry? Learn 7 reasons why prophetic training will help you develop and sharpen your prophetic gift.

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