“thought forms” the key to bending reality

3 Top Benefits of Watching Spiritual Cinema

“Where can I find good quality spiritual cinema?” This is the question I have been asking myself for the past few years. We are living some really tough times right now in terms of economy, politics, wars, and crime.

The Grateful Way

Sad percentages reflect this amazing story of healing. Ten lepers — complete outcasts to society — cried out to Jesus for mercy. Interestingly enough, they were not immediately healed when Jesus said, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.”

The Trade of Storing Real Treasures – In Heaven

As I cut my hair recently (yes, I cut my own hair; don’t you?) I noticed the clumps of hair dropping into the sink and they were ‘saltier’ than I’d ever known before.

Endeavour to Cultivate Your Own Inner Instincts to Guide You in Life

We should all edeavour to cultivate always the instincts that we have inside us. What is commonly known as animal instincts, is just the inner soul talking to us and guiding us through life, so it is most important to keep in tune to the different feelings that you get to feel! Feelings that come into your gut to let you know when something is not at all what it is shown to be. Feed and get to know all the animalistic instincts that you are born with!

Heaven on Earth – Is it Possible?

Yes it is possible to have a Heaven on Earth just as it is possible to have a Hell on Earth. But it lies in the hands of man to achieve this. He has freedom of choice, a gift which he must use wisely.

What is a Christian?

The article defines a Christian, what it is to be one. It focuses on a relationship with Jesus.

Become the Frequency of Love

As each one of us become the frequency of love the world will be healed. Wars will no longer exist, hunger will disappear from our planet. Violent will have no place in the frequency of love. Joy, peace and harmony will be in the atmosphere for all to have and enjoy.

Prophetic Ministry – What Are Some Signs That You Have the Spiritual Gift of Prophecy?

Do you think that you might have the gift of prophecy, but are not sure? Would you like to know how to tell whether you are called to prophetic ministry? Do you want to know more about prophetic gifts? Here are some signs to help you identify whether you have the spiritual gift of prophecy.

What Will Endure Past You?

I’ve said it many times before; considering our deaths gives us reason and motivation for living life and thus it’s an important undertaking. What will life be like once we’re gone? Another way of looking at it; what will endure past us?

Insight – Using it Wisely

The ideas that come to us are not always for us to keep to ourselves, nor are all of them for us to share. Knowing which are which is key to doing what you’re supposed to do. If we are paying attention, God will give each of us insight through His word; through a still, small voice; through an inner conviction; or through the godly counsel of others.

Meeting Jesus at the Bottom

You’re in a hole, with no way out. It’s hopeless. You discover that Jesus shows up at the bottom, in the darkest moments, to show you a way out.

How to Choose the Right Bible For You

There are many Bible versions on the market today, and we often wonder which one is for me? How do I choose? Go to any bookstore Christian or secular and look you will see many different version of the Bible and I mean a lot. One thing you want to ask yourself is what your intentions with the Bible are.

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