The Man with an Empty Face: A Shiva Story

What is the Meaning of My Small, Important Life?

What is the meaning of your life? Do you ultimately know your purpose for being here on this planet. What has time got to do with it? These are all questions we’ve asked ourselves at one time or another.

Intuition – You Always Know What to Do

The best way to explain is the same way I always explain this. If it is that connection to GOD that is telling you what to do it will never try and convince you. Never defend its position. If it is your EGO it will use every means available to convince you that it is right. Any time there is any urgency or need to convince you that it is the right thing it is not the hand of divinity that is guiding you. The Devine simply knows and you can do it that way or not, it is your decision.

Learn Astral Projection – Simple Steps to Master Astral Travel

In order to learn astral projection, there are some simple techniques you must learn to master. Once you have developed these basic skills, you can begin to explore the astral world. This guide is meant to show you easy ways to learn those skills.

The New Counseling

Spiritual counseling is the fastest growing form of counseling today. In this type of counseling, both the emotional and spiritual aspects of the client are acknowledged. Each of us is mind, body and spirit, and counseling that does not address all of those aspects will be lacking and incomplete.

To Alleviate Our Boredom, We Incarnate

Many of us have, to date, thought of ourselves as reincarnating in order to progress spiritually. Now, The Collective Consciousness introduces an alternative of thought.

Keeping the Soul Whole

“In school they tried to tell me man doesn’t have a soul, “What happened to his,” I say “Cause mine is still whole!” – Spearhead Keeping your soul intact isn’t always easy. I’m not taking about the going-to-church, lighting-candles kind of soul, necessarily, but rather about maintaining the thing inside you that keeps in touch with the humanity of others.

The Fullness and Splendor of God From Isaiah 40

How would we begin to describe the works and character of God to a stranger to our planet–an alien from another planet? One big, deep breath would breathe anticipation into the very thought of launching a great task like that.

Gratitude and Kindness Outweighs All the Rest

If you imagine the picture we typically associate with Justice you will probably see a blindfolded woman holding a scale. (Justice is blind) With that scale in mind, when trying to become an Enlightened being, if you have a large helping of Gratitude and an equally heaping portion of Kindness on your scale you will without question find yourself much further along the path than anyone you encounter without those qualities.

Learn Dream Interpretation by Studying the Story of Joseph – Part 3

Same as all other prophetic gifts, the gift of dream interpretation can make you feel like you have so much power. You can get secret information that others cannot. Especially when you are interpreting for others, if what you said came into reality, it really puffs you up. Moreover, the person you ministered to might become submissive to you and next time he/she had a dream, you can be pretty sure that he/she will come to you again. And it could be quite a temptation to manipulate people with your authority. Let’s look at Joseph again.

It is All About Your Point of View

Just look at things from a different point of view, change your attitude. We hear this statement repeated frequently in the self – help genera. Most of us agree wholeheartedly and go right on with our lives without changing anything.

Transparent Beliefs Or Counter Intentions?

If you had a belief that the world was flat or that the sun traveled around the earth in an orbit, 500 years ago you would have been among the majority. Any one who professed to believe differently would have been considered a heretic.

Don’t Bite the Hand That Feeds You!

Our lives consist of a great deal more than we sometimes see. “Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to a better understanding of ourselves.” Carl Jung

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