A Few Tender Moments: Inner Engineering Completion Program with Sadhguru in Atlanta

The Fellowship

This Scripture is Paul prayer for the saints at Corinth. The Greek word translated as “communion” is koinonia, which also means fellowship, participation and partnership. Is it possible for a man to have personal relationship with God, the Creator of heaven and earth?

Authentic Nirvana

Living well is not a matter of luck or happenstance. Until you acknowledge the problem, you will be stuck living poorly, being perpetually dissatisfied or unhappy. Suppose you do acknowledge the problem. How could you solve it? How could you unbind from greed, anger, and delusion?

Two Attentions – Mind and Consciousness

We all have two attentions: a fixed-attention, and a moving-attention. The fixed-attention (in this article it would called as the First (attention)): it is the consciousness (Atman). It is the personification of the sentience, presence, and existence-all in one. Conception of an embryo occurs in the ocean of the fixed-attention. A newborn baby has only the fixed-attention.

We Never Know When Jesus Christ is Using What We Do and What We Say – That Makes Life Exciting!

It is most interesting to note that we never know when Jesus Christ uses what we do or what we say, and this appears to be particularly apposite to me as I have just returned from another speaking and teaching visit to Kenya in Africa. We have been reading these opening verses of Luke Chapter 21 and we have taken time to consider the significance of this dear woman giving everything she had, and Jesus Christ noticed it and commented. We are not told her name, but we are reading about her. Perhaps she never knew what Jesus Christ saw in her as she gave so liberally. After all that has been going on in the Temple, you can hear Jesus calling the attention of the disciples. “Come here ’til I tell you about this widow,” and, Jesus comments on this incident to the disciples, who had been listening to people giving Jesus a rough time.

Collective Consciousness – Agree Or Disagree?

We are a collective consciousness. As such, we have created (for our enjoyment) illusions into which we place ourselves to alleviate the boredom created by our perfection as spirit. I could sugar-coat my words, but I know that there will be those who greatly oppose my writings as well as those who will rejoice in the freedom inherent within the words…

You Are Saved Once and For All

Sin consciousness is the devils strategy to make people feel unworthy before God. He makes them focus on their wrongdoings that on the grace of God. I have seen people who, after confessing the Lordship of Jesus over their lives, still feel as though they are not saved.

Speak God’s Word Only

I encourage you today to speak life over your situation. Scripture says, “life and death are in the power of the tongue.” So, speak life. In other words, speak God’s Word only over your situation. Stop saying how broke you are or how bad things are for you, or how sick you are.

Prepare to Be Blessed

Prepare yourself child of God for all you’ve been sowing for; all that you have been praying for, because it is about to come to pass. This is your due season. Your time has finally come.

Help is on the Way

Whatever the promise is, it will come. In fact, it is on the way. You are closer to it now than you’ve ever been before.

All Roads Lead to Home

There are many Paths home or back to your Creator. No One-Way is the ONLY WAY each is just ANOTHER WAY. Explore the paths available and pick the one that’s right for you.

Your Mind is Your Capital

Everyone admires a man with good sense, but a man with a warped mind is despised (Proverbs 12:2 TLB). There are too many people who think that the most important requirement for success is money. So they go for money, and all their lives, they keep going for more of it until they eventually get frustrated. That is not how to become a success.

Continue in Earnest Prayer

The earnest prayer of a righteous man produces results. Elijah was like any other human being who had feelings and affections. The Bible says he prayed that there would be no rain and the earth went without rain for three and a half years. He prayed again, and the heavens supplied rain. How was he able to do it? The Bible says in James 5:17 that he prayed earnestly.

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