15 Minute Guided Meditation | Complete Attention to This Moment with Eckhart Tolle

Psalm 103 – A Premier Psalm of Mercy and Grace

Fear is a principle of constancy in life. Life would not be life without it. This psalm has a similar pedigree to that of Psalm 119, both from theological and evangelistical viewpoints. It’s full of meaning for life.

The Oneness of Higher Consciousness

While we are sustained by and owe each breath to our Creator, we given the Gift of Freedom. A prominent Government holds this in their Constitution as a God-Given right. It is no mistake that this has become a Cornerstone in this Millennium for the Evolution of; Individuals, Nations and Humanity as a whole.

Accepting Setbacks and Frustration

No matter what our spiritual path or intentions may be, we all experience setbacks from time to time. What is the best way to handle our frustrations and shortcomings? How can we remain centered and retain our sense of peace through the chaos? Though our first instinct may be to fight, the best path is most often free of resistance. The easiest and most natural remedy to a setback is often to simply accept it.

Why Did John the Baptist Call Jesus the Lamb of God?

Why did John the Baptist call Jesus the Lamb of God? Read how some children responded and what the Bible teaches us about Jesus Christ as the ultimate sacrificial lamb. Children’s answers are fun, sometimes quirky and often insightful. Because this article features children’s answers, it’s perfect for reading with or to children while teaching them a lesson from the Bible.

9 Ways to Have Effective Prayers!

We’ve all heard the saying, “prayer changes things.” Some of us believe it and some don’t. In these times it’s hard to believe in something other than ourselves. Times are hard, the economy is bad and we are still at war. We may think that when we pray to God, our prayers go unanswered. Or so we think.

What Drives the Universe?

I hope to inspire you, motivate you and unveil the realm of unlimited possibilities in your life. It’s sitting right beneath your nose, all the time! We simply forget to look for it most of the time.

A Wiccan House Blessing

So, what exactly do witches do? One of the most common activities of someone who practices Witchcraft or Wicca is to perform blessings and cleansings for themselves and their loved ones. This article outlines the basic process of a Wiccan house blessing.

It’s All Fun and Games Until Somebody Loses an I

Most likely while growing up, you heard the phrase, “It’s all fun and games until somebody loses an eye.” Parents often use this threat as a means to control their kids. Mind you, their intent is well-meaning to protect the child from getting hurt, but still, it is a control mechanism. Oftentimes we view control as being a “bad” thing, yet we don’t see that at the root of all control is love. Love is the foundation which causes the desire and perceived need to control because without that love for something, there would not be a need to try and control the things that we fear will take that something away.

Quantum Theory – Scientific Versus Spiritual

There are two theories in the study of Quantum Physics. One is Scientific and the Big Bang Theory. The other includes the Creator god.

How to Deepen Your Awareness With This Simple Mindfulness Meditation Technique

What most people do not realize is that you grow in awareness by becoming conscious of what is unconscious. Read on to learn this simple mindfulness meditation technique that can radically deepen your awareness.

Ancient Rituals of Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual awakening is a goal that everyone seems to be looking for. Ever since the prehistoric period, people seem to be in quest for a divine union and enlightenment. There are different ancient rituals performed by different groups of people worldwide.

Nostradamus and 2012 – No New Startling Secrets Revealed

The recent shows on the Nostradamus Effect and 2012 reveal no new secrets and miss the mark. Misleading information may be self-fulfilling.

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