It’s Not Your Battle (2)
REMEMBER, we’re still discussing how best to handle the battles of life. We still hold on to the fact that there is no child of God that does not face battles in life. But the bible also said that there’s no trial that comes to us that other people had not passed through, and that through the same crisis God would make out a way of escape and promotion for us. That is to say that crisis, trials and battles of life are raw materials to our promotions, and also veritable instruments to manifesting the glory of God.
Crossing the Parallel WorldsI am in my attic alone…There is no one home and I am enjoying this moment of loneliness. Just now the sun is beginning to set and this mild light brings me sweet memories of past times in which being a child was simply everything. I feel at peace but at the same time I feel suffocated by a secret that I want to share but I am not allowed to.
Reiki – Art of HealingReiki is a healing art that utilizes the universal Life energy power, by channeling through Reiki therapist into the diseased individual for re balancing through “laying on of hands”. The increased of universal life energy through Reiki affects more than your physical and emotional health.
Brahma-Vidya – The Science Of Cosmos, Soul And GodThe science of cosmos, soul and god is known as Brahma-Vidya. By this spiritual science a man can achieve the ultimate state of peace in his life. In this state of higher consciousness the soul merges with the Divine Source of its origin. A soul is on a mystical journey through time and space in search for the magnificent life.
The Plan of God For My Life – How to Know You Are on the Right TrackNone of us was furtively planted here on earth. Each human being was created for a given purpose and designed with the talents and gifts to accomplish it. The Bible clearly states that we are a masterpiece of God that is to walk in a plan that He has designed beforehand.
Humility Elevates UsIt is said that Moses was a very humble man, yet Creator called him to lead His children out of Egyptian slavery. Humility is one precious trait our Father loves in us.
Spirituality For an Open Source GenerationI’ve been exploring the idea of my own spirituality for many years and I have changed my attitude to the creator/god several times over the past 30 years. I was looking for a version of spiritual practice and community that is inclusive and has respect and personal responsibility encoded within it.
The Lost Key of ReligionThe historicity of the Holy Scriptures isn’t as important as its symbolism. In Chapter 18 of the Holy Qur’an, Musa (Moses) meets with the enigmatic figure known in Islamic tradition as Al Khidr. “Al Khidr” is a title meaning, “the Green One.
Is There Fear in the Story – Vision of My Faith Life?Fear pops in like an unexpected guest in the night, when I least expect it, then it appears. And it has something to do with the needs of this world.
The Reward Of ExcusesThere is nothing as unrewarding as excuses. People who create a habit of making excuses often become history but never make history. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Excuses always replace progress.”
Everything is Perfect!From a very young age, I questioned the existence of “God”. During low times, I would fall to the grass and pour my heart out to a Being that may, or may not, be there. In silence, I have listened for “The Voice” to affirm its presence. I waited for a sign…THE sign. Crying over whatever lot in life gnawed at the very marrow of my soul (which now appears insignificant) I wanted a magical solution to emerge. “God, I will believe, IF you show yourself!!!”
How to Do the Most Important Things in Life – Number 1 How to Ensure Your SalvationThis article describes how to ensure that you will go to your house, made not with hands, eternal in the heavens, when you leave this earth. There are two simple conditions to be fulfilled. These are explained in detail.