The Origins of Shaolin Kung Fu | Sadhguru

How to See Auras

Experts say that auras surrounds each of our bodies. While seeing auras might seem like a skill for the psychic or metaphysical, you can learn the basic technique.

Forgiveness Tips – A Christian Perspective on Forgiving Others

One of the most painful experiences in life occurs when someone has wronged us and the Devil gets a foothold as a result of unforgiveness. The amount of pain can be incredible. Lives can easily be damaged–and the offense doesn’t even need to be that serious!

A New Dawn – A New Creation, Today!

The title of this article is a fact for anyone who believes in Jesus Christ. No matter what happened yesterday, today is new and holds no threats unless we let it…

The “Lazarus Phenomenon” and Desire For the Living

Whether we’re spiritual or not the idea of near-death experience shakes our reality. We’re awakened even for a moment to the very possibilities that are, for any human being, utterly intriguing–yet a place that scares the living daylights out of us. None of us sanely wants to die.

Life is a Joy – Avoiding the UG Krishnamurti Syndrome

Anyone who comes into contact with the ultra fascinating life-story and circumstances of UG Krishnamurti (not to be confused with J (Jedda) Krishnamurti) is in for a ride straight to the gates of whatever you define as your hell. In fact, it’s like being alone in a car in the back seat, blindfolded!

How to Reveal Your Life’s Purpose With a Pen and Paper

Once you know what your Life Purpose is then you can immediately begin to live it. You don’t need to do it full-blown. You simply do the behaviors that fulfill on your purpose where you are right now in life.

Jump in the Water and Get Free of Shame!

Often in life we try to avoid those things that are uncomfortable or painful. We don’t want to talk about them. This is due to shame as we don’t want to be rejected by others, especially loved ones, but shame survives because of fear. Father God loves us unconditionally and forgives us eternally. Maybe it is time to turn loose of those old wounds and let God’s love wash over you.

God’s Framework For Helping Humanity in Recession

God wants to help you, but heaven does not help those who help themselves. Find out how God helps on His own terms in this article and receive the help that you need.

Stress Management – Put God First

The one thing that I have learned in my life time about how to deal with stress and maintain inner peace is “You have to put God first.” Growing up, I have always heard the saying “Put God first” but I never really knew what that meant. In the past, I struggled with the concept of putting God first…

I Am Responsible For What I Think

He knows nothing of judgement or condemnation; no guilt, shame or sin. These are the weapons of the ego, designed to keep us in fear and believing ourselves rejected by God.

Do You Want Your Prayers to Be Answered? Find Out the Things God May Be Looking For Today

Today is the first day of the rest of your life. I choose to live in abundance.

Making a Difference in the World

Scientology means knowing how to know. Scientology is an applied religious philosophy that makes the Able more able. It comprises a vast body of knowledge extending from certain fundamental truths, and prime among those truths: Man is a spiritual being endowed with abilities well beyond those which he normally envisages.

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