Accept One Another – The “Powered” Life
Rejection and acceptance are polar opposites. They make diametrically and supremely powerful life outcomes and destinies a reality for every single person. Rejection and acceptance experiences set us on the path to failure and hopelessness or success and confidence. This is probably the most profound concept known to humankind, beyond total God.
Yom Kippur Has Three Main Components – Repentance, Prayer & Fasting – Are These Not So Needed Today?It was so interesting to read of John Wesley’s account of what can go wrong in the Church of Jesus Christ when there has been ‘revival’ and ‘renewal’, and we have seen something of that over these past thirty to forty years. John Wesley observed that within every revival were the seeds of apostasy. Now that is serious. A number of years ago at a Leaders Meeting in Inverness, Scotland, a colleague shared with around twenty of us as to how important it was that we do whatever we could to consolidate what we had received and seen…
Moses’ End Times WitnessIs Moses one of the two End Times witnesses? I believe he is. Let’s consider this.
Is Sex a Good Thing?Most people would argue that sex is a very good thing indeed. There are even passages in the Bible, the Song of Songs in particular, which celebrate it. When God created Eve as a companion for Adam, the chances are He was planning something more than just good conversation. So if sex is a good thing, why does it so often lead to trouble?
Looking to God Alone For Your StrengthWhether its sexual temptation or trying to resist food we need a strategy for coping.The writer in the book of Psalms asks God a question that I’ve asked God on this journey and you may also have asked in this area or another–‘ How can a young person stay pure?’ Although his plea sounds desperate and heart-felt I am comforted that the writer’s problem will be answered.
Spiritual Merit and KarmaThere are two kinds of karma. Good and Bad. It is the karma that we bring back to the quantum ocean when we block back in, that creates the matrix for our next incarnation.
When is Possessive Jealousy a Good Thing?Quite often the response to jealous emotion is to give your partner something to be jealous about too, so a chain reaction of inappropriate behaviour is set up where everyone’e emotions become chaotic and self-destructive. So where does jealousy come from and can it ever be a good thing?
The Power of Righteousness and Its Links to SuccessOne of the things which makes believing in God so good is that we share in His righteousness. There is no question of doing the wrong thing if what we do is guided by our good conscience, the channel through which we connect with the divine.
Political Confusion and Financial Uncertainty Can Make a Man Turn to God to See What is HappeningHaving returned from a rather superb Prayer Day and Conference with Gary Kah and having heard about just what is going on behind the scenes in political circles it made me turn to the book of Psalms and to Psalm 120 in particular. They are called Songs of Ascent, and were sung as people ascended to Jerusalem, particularly after the 70 years of being in Exile in Babylon. Babylon is always symbolic of confusion, and we appear to be in a period of serious confusion just now globally. There are times when we have to seek to see as far as we can and when we have to see what Jesus Christ is doing in the present situation in our lives, and in our nation, and in our world. This Psalm helps us understand as we are given a degree of insight.
Good Farmer, Bad Father – No FarmerGod in His wisdom has made the world unique. All through the years we experience one season or another — Summer, autumn, winter and spring. In one season, rail falls, in another snow, and sometimes, we feel cold or hot. In all these periods, a farmer knows the appropriate time to clear the farmland for planting. He also knows the time to harvest what he planted.
Why Doesn’t God Give You What You Want?Why doesn’t God give you what you want…God did better than that! He gave you a way to create what you want on a continuing basis. He gave you a way to manipulate life according to whatever you desire. There are infinite resources at man’s disposal and you only need to learn about them and take advantage of them.
Traditional RitualsWhat exactly is a ritual? A ritual can be defined as a ceremonial or formal solemn act, observance, or procedure done in accordance with a prescribed rule or custom. Now that’s a broad definition that can certainly encompass much activity, but most rituals are meant to induce change, or reflect a change that is already taking place.