The Reincarnation of James Huston
I could not begin to count the number of times over the years I have heard stories about young people with seemingly psychological traumas (including innate fears and recurring nightmares) that to students of the Edgar Cayce materials would appear to be reincarnation-based. Unfortunately, almost without exception, these young people are simply treated with medications and psychotherapy in an effort to stop “the problem.”
Not Looking BackOften times in our lives we find ourselves clinging to things of this earth. It may be a person or persons. It may be to wealth or fame. Whatever it may be, it matters what it is that we cling to.
Faith is BlindWhy would Jesus not commit Himself to those that professed belief in who He was? It is because He knows all men. He did not just know who they were, but He knew their heart.
Malignant SinPerhaps the “small” sins are what plague us the most in life as Christians. Those little white lies we tell. The angry words we speak. The bitterness that lies within our hearts, almost dormant, yet ever reaching deeper within our being corroding our spirit.
Money Or God? “In the End” it (Money) Doesn’t Even Matter (Inspired by Linkin Park)Mortgages and material possessions are acquired at break-neck speed for some people. And then there’s the midlife heart attack or stroke (or some other health condition) to look forward to. Why do people not account for death?
From Struggle to SuccessIf you live long enough, you will experience some type of struggle in your life. It does not matter if you grow up with a silver spoon in your mouth or not, struggle will find you in time. Perhaps we put a worse rap on struggle than it truly deserves though. Sure, struggling is not easy and it is definitely not any fun.
What’s Your Source Of Information?This emphasizes on what you listen to and how you get your information. Be careful of what you hear.
Finding Peace and Harmony in Our Present WorldEveryone should be concerned with the world’s issues every bit as much as they are concerned with themselves. Recycling personal resources is every bit as important as recycling the world’s resources. Keeping peace within ourselves is a reflection of the need to keep peace throughout the world.
Prayer Chains – Which Type is For You?Prayer chains can be adapted to your lifestyle. Learn the three basic types. Pick the one best suited to you.
Do Prayers Get Answered?Most of us have heard that all prayers are answered. We are told that God either says “Yes” or “No.” What if the answer is “Yes”? What if the answer is “No” – how can we deal with it? How can we tell whether we received an answer, either way?
Prayers – Routine Or Spontaneous – Which Type is For You?There are two types of prayer – routine and spontaneous. Is one better than the other? Or is there a place for each type in your life?
Warning Signs in the ChristendomAlmost everyone in this world in one way or the other knows what a sign means or whenever the word comes up an idea crosses the mind. We may at times find ourselves in places that are new to us and may need signs and directions to find our way out or we may need signs to direct people to where we are.