Live the Recession-Proof Christian Life by Leaving the Swine
Imagine the prodigal son refusing to leave the swine. He hears the good news but remains with the swine singing choruses and playing church but does not really change anything. This is like the many who do not want to reconsider their financial habits. God cannot help you if you do not make adjustments.
Considerations For a Recession-Proof Christian LifeDoes Christ have absolute Lordship over your finances? Have you formed an attachment to the person of Christ that is revolutionary…erasing past life and transformed your life and character…leaving no area untouched…making Christ the supreme interest of your life? This will transform your tastes and appetites for consumption.
Learn How You Can Have More Than Enough of Everything You NeedWe live in a world that is desperate to convince us we just don’t have enough of anything. This is because society works that way. By generating discontent, it encourages us to work harder to spend more. Isn’t it time you got off that particular little merry-go-round?
Are Humans Ever Born Again As Animals?The question as it is posed; I do believe in reincarnation but am a little confused in that I have read in some books that a human person can be born as an animal in another life. Could you explain this and set the matter straight for me?
Angel Number Signs & CommunicationNumbers are a wonderful way for our angels and guides in our life to communicate with us. They can show up anywhere and in multiple ways.
Ancient Esoteric Magical Operation Reveals Hidden Artistic TalentMODE of Cosmic Therapy task, further elaborated groupings of the collective artistic meanings through the various copious photographs will arise in your day’s natural events that will prove to be so meaningful and relevant to your artistic compilation. In other words, to learn (remember) what repressed talent you have hidden in your soul can and will be revealed through a special series of magical acts of non-interpretative motions.
Everyday Miracles – 1,000 Opportunities Each DayJesus, of course, was in the divine business of miracles. The sceptic might say, ‘Did they really happen?’ Well, here’s proof that his miracles work every day.
Kundalini Awakening Definition and the PathEvery true seeker of spirituality understands the importance of kundalini awakening. If we are to realize God within our lifetime… we have to awaken our kundalini fully in this very life. Unless we take the lift straight up… we shall not reach the level of an awakened one… a living Buddha!
A Secret to Reducing StressWhen others are rude or abusive, we are naturally angry as a result. Often, this leads to uncomfortable or painful bodily sensations that can linger on. Jesus explained why.
Universal Law Vs Spiritual LawJust as there are man’s laws in our society, so there are Universal laws. These are laws made by God. In a channeled message, Archangel Gabriel discusses why Universal laws were put into place to assist us in manifesting what we desire.
This is Where a Man Can Understand Many of the Perplexing Situations and Circumstances of LifeHe had been through an emotionally upsetting time as he saw all around him what was going on, but he was concerned not to say anything outrageous which might have betrayed – let down – damaged a whole generation of the people of God. He would say nothing to offend those around him. He had stopped slipping. He had managed to get a foothold on life. He was in control, although only just. He was not out of danger. That is important to see as we serve Jesus Christ and make our way through this challenging life. Something has happened and you know that you will sink no further, but all danger has not yet gone!
Your Sacred Sensual Sexual Nature Controls Your Destiny – Find Out How!Why is it important to make a conscientious homework style study of you, your habits, motivations, inclinations, desires, fears insecurities and dreams? What difference could it possibly make in the large scheme of things?