5 MORE Things You Should Know About The SUPER Full Moon (August 1st, 2023)

The Eager Expectation In The Sufferings

“For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake” Philippians 1:29. The expectations is an eager one on the part of all for the set of people who Jesus promised while leaving who will be called the sons of God (Rom 8:18) and who will fight the good fight in liberating the creation. There is expectation on the face of the people and likewise on the mind of the sons too. And just as have borne the likeness of the earthly man, so shall we bear the likeness of the man from heaven” (I Cor 15:49).

Scripture Meditations – The Day Lucifer Became Satan

When did time really begin and why was time created? Where did the first light come from before the Sun was created and how did the great, powerful angel Lucifer fall from heaven and become Satan? The scriptures reveal more than is found in the book of Genesis.

Inner Peace Tip – Embracing the Shadow

Carl Jung, a psychoanalysis, coined the phrase shadow to describe those places in us that are often buried deep in our unconscious. The parts of our self that we try to forget about and hope that no one sees it. Everyone has a shadow. Whenever we are not in love, joy or light, we are in the shadow.

Spiritual Growth

One of the mysteries of life is what our function is and what we are destined to become. Some people leave school, college or university without the remotest idea as to what they want to do or how to earn a living. Yet, others know exactly from a very early age precisely what they want to be and how they want to provide for themselves. And nothing will shake them from their goal. There are others who often have a vision and are called to enter the clergy or help the poor and needy in some self-sacrificial way.

3 Ways Prayer and Joy Go Together

Do you experience joy when you pray? The Bible says to rejoice in the Lord and pray. Philippians 4:4-7 is the classic passage on this. That passage and others tell us that prayer and joy go together in at least three ways.

The Key to Success is in Your Mouth

Keeping God’s word in your mouth brings success because faith comes by hearing. And faith is the substance of things hoped for.

Fair-apy Bahari’s Balancing Breath

Bahari is the Sea Nymph and our Fairy of Inspiration and Intuition. One of the most powerful ways of tapping into the creative well of the collective unconscious is through focused breathing.

Being and Nothingness

One of the most rewarding journeys that we can undertake during our short life span on this planet earth is an exploration of the intertwined paths of being and nothingness. To sense, to know, to understand how our being fluctuates between substance and nothingness is to begin to relate to both animate and inanimate beings. To realize in our sentience that our being integrates with all is to acknowledge the “is- ness” of existence.

Consequences Of Fornication

The great Isaac Newton stated in his third law of motion saying “to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”. This means that every action has a reaction. In life everything we do whether great or small, good or bad has a consequence which could either be positive or negative. The consequences may be abrupt or it may take time to come to effect, it could be so may years but the fact still remains that it must come to pass.

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