Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Matthew 5 Verse 8
BLESSEDNESS of heart translates into purity of thought. And those who think well tend most to know how God thinks – they ‘see’ God. Those who knew Jesus knew truth. They saw the truth in him. This was because their hearts had been purified by the repentance from their sins. Those who claimed faith in Christ because of the Father’s gift of grace learned that, in Jesus, was God.
Is Contemporary Mindfulness a Fad?Mindfulness is going mainstream and this article explores the discussion on a BBC Radio 4 documentary, “Mindfulness: Panacea or Fad,” broadcast in Jan 2015. There are criticisms of secular mindfulness by some Buddhists. This article counters criticism from Buddhist teacher Christopher Titmuss.
Mindfulness, Power and MaterialismMindfulness is being increasingly used as a psychological self help tool, but is this really what mindfulness is all about? Take a good look! What do you find? Looking at things radically challenges fundamental beliefs about who we are and what life is about. Mindfulness is a tool which can be used to take control of your life by challenging beliefs which cause suffering in society today as much as in the India of two and a half thousand years ago. The social problems were different and the beliefs were different but we still have the same capacity to take control of our lives today as did people of ancient India by really looking for ourselves.
Would You Marry a Pregnant Teenager Who Claimed to Be a Virgin?Why marry a pregnant teenager who claims to be a virgin? This must have been quite shocking at that time, when Almighty God was sending His Son, Jesus Christ, into the world, and it remains quite shocking to many today, but it happens to be the truth. Why call the child, Jesus? Joseph was told in a dream or vision, that Jesus was to be the name of this very special child. Luke examines the birth from Mary’s perspective, and Matthew deals with Joseph’s perspective. How could Mary have explained all this to Joseph anyway? “It was God the Holy Spirit!” Would Joseph have accepted that? Most of the answers I have garnered over these past forty years are the consequence of asking and seeking and knocking, and all this is for sharing and for sharing freely.
Archangels Remove Energy Blocks to Manifesting Your Dreams, Goals and DesiresIt’s all about the energy. Energy is everything and everything is energy. Before Archangels can really help you manifest your dreams or anything else, you absolutely have to raise your inner-vibration.
How Are You Getting on With Your New Year Resolutions and Are They Affecting Your Spiritual Life?New Year may be passed but there is still to make a resolution and be resolved to keep whatever that resolution might be, and this one is vital and crucial. Each year preparations are made governments and organisations and families to say farewell and goodbye to the old and hello and welcome to the new. My challenge is simply this. How can we make a spiritual difference this year? We have opportunities and challenges and it is certainly not too late to think and consider and even re-think what your goals and priorities will be over the next twelve months. Where the western and secular world can be obsessed by material and financial and physical well being, John took time to deal with the spiritual aspect of life and he made a superb job of it. How will you fare spiritually speaking this coming year?
Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Matthew 5 Verse 7JUSTICE is the great clarifier. It works on the law of reciprocity a great amount of the time, even though, we who are saved, have not received God’s justice: we escaped it!
Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Matthew 5 Verse 5HUMILITY is a much vaunted quality in the realm of those who think spiritually. But what is it? Otherwise known as meekness, humility is that quality of gentleness for the sake of love. It is not being a pushover.
Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Matthew 5 Verse 6RIGHTEOUSNESS is not a very popular concept. It has overtones of self-righteousness about it. It has, therefore, in recent times, had a bad rap. It’s a word that represents God’s truth; it is something accurate and right on the mark.
Discover The Key To Open HeavenAn open heaven is the answer to all human needs. Whatever you need: wealth, power, good health, success, fulfillment or all round blessings, the Lord in heaven can supply them to you. However, the question is, “how do you get the heavens to open and pour out these supplies to you?” This article is aimed at answering this question and more.
Archangels Shower You With Unconditional LoveOne of the most precious gifts you could ever give or receive is Unconditional Love. There are many mis-conceptions about Unconditional Love and what it means or what it is. For a long time I didn’t fully understand what it is, how to give and receive such a life-altering, elusive gift.
Honoring Your Spiritual Path: 3 Tips to Staying ConsistentThis article is about honoring where you are on your spiritual path and tips on how to remain consistent. This article is for the newcomers to the spiritual journey and offers suggestions and the motivation to keep going.