It Can Be Spiritually Rewarding and Inspiring at Times Just to Sweep Through a Part of the Bible!
It was said to me by someone who was fairly new to the Christian Faith and to the Bible, “I did not know there was so much history in the Bible!” That made me spend one evening sweeping through the Bible from Creation to Malachi and seeking to give timescales and perspectives. I was told it was most helpful. Taking time to review the life and ministry of Jesus Christ can be inspiring, and I certainly found that because in all the preparation I was recalling that it is Jesus Christ who says “Follow me”. We need to remember this and be reminded of it frequently. These are four pictures of Jesus from different angles. It is like having your photographs taken from four different angles. We see that in Prison where men have their photographs taken from either side and one straight on. It is exactly the same person but from different view points.
3 Levels of Belief: Centered of Heart-Felt Belief – Part ThreeThe second level is Centered or Heart-Felt Belief. This is where we get to breathe into our Heart-Space and exhale deeply knowing that we believe in what we are doing and in who we are.
The Apostle Peter and the Prophet Jeremiah Would Never Be Found Fellowshipping With False Frauds!There can be times when something just hits you and strikes you afresh and notes have to be taken and what is salient and salutary has to be shared. In reading and studying the book of the prophet Jeremiah when the situation in the Middle East is fierce makes one consider and reconsider matters which are vital and important. Jeremiah preached and spoke and taught at a time when the ‘church’ of the days was corrupt to the core and he said so and exposed the reality of the situation. The teachers and false prophets were given to teaching and speaking what they people wanted to hear and what they liked to hear. Might that be happening in various places in the church of Jesus Christ today? If that is going on then it is as serious today as it was serious then! Preachers and teachers can appear live and spiritual relevant but their hearts may be very different and at times only Almighty God knows the depths of the heart. But then a Jeremiah comes along and when you read his words and embrace his preaching he must have challenged people to their very depths.
Why Reading and Studying the Scriptures Is Crucial and Vital, Particularly When Seeking Guidance!Another question arose recently and once again it is a highly significant and important question and it concerns each of us to a certain degree whether we realise it or not! It is always essential to take time to answer questions if it is possible to provide a helpful answer or satisfactory reply. Having the call of Almighty God upon my life and also attending a rather fine youth organisation called the Boys’ Brigade I was able to stumble or struggle through these teenage years until I was able to start to work things out for myself according to the Scriptures. Since the age of eight I have made it one of my goals and aims to read part of the Bible every day. I may not have understood everything I was reading but again that is not all that important. almighty god saw my willingness and eagerness and over the years He led and directed and guided. This may be one of the reasons why recently I gave myself to the study of the topic of Revival.
When a Serious Spiritual Question Is Asked an Effort Must Be Made to Address and Answer It!What is Revival? We have never heard of Revival and we have never even heard the word revival used. Well that came as something of a real surprise as some of us had been speaking seriously about Revival and I had given myself to two months study of this vital topic. The word revival is never used in the Bible, but the Bible unfolds the principles of what is called revival, and many are praying for revival in these present days. What is revival, and what may happen when people experience revival? Revival is a visitation of Almighty God, and what has been asleep or dull, or about to go out, is brought back to life. Revival is what happened at Pentecost when 120 disciples of Jesus were baptised in the Holy Spirit. Old former religious ways were totally renewed.
Seven Tips To Help You PrayAlmost everyone wants to pray sometimes. Most of us find it difficult, but we usually assume everyone else finds it easy. We often get very little instruction in it, because other people seem to expect you to find it easy, even if they do not. In this article I will share a few tips that I have found helpful at times in dealing with some of the most common difficulties. I am sure I could have added to the list of problems, and I am just as sure that there are lots more tips you could find helpful, but let us make a start.
Why You Should Always Let Your Intuition Be Your GuideMany people have heard the term “intuition” but really don’t understand how to use it or the many incredible benefits to be experienced by putting it to use. In this article, you’ll learn more about your intuition, how to connect with it, and the great benefit of making it a conscious part of your life. You’ll also learn another energetic method of getting some of your most important questions answered. I invite you to have a look and see if this information resonates with you.
Color Chameleon, The Aware EmpathEver wondered why some people feel energy while others see it? Take a closer look at the link between empaths and auras.
Self-Realization By Bhagwan Ramana MaharshiSelf-realization is achieved in various ways. How Bhagwan Ramana Maharshi experienced this, is described here.
Real Spiritual RealityMy Spiritual Reality is a triune reality of my physical, mental & emotional realities. My mentality, emotionality & physicality determine my spirituality.
7 Convictions of Atheists Critically ExaminedAtheists don’t believe in God for various reasons, and they should be allowed to believe what they want. Religious freedom is a wonderful thing. However, it’s our belief that some atheists base their viewpoint on misunderstandings.
Overcoming Guilt for Soul DevelopmentWe need to learn from our mistakes and move on. We cannot afford to dwell on mistakes endlessly because we are harming our soul’s development when we fail to focus on the present and through which, experience the life we were meant to live.