Are You Letting Guilt and Condemnation Drive Your Life?
Who or what is driving your life? Are people around you using guilt to control you? Are you doing this to yourself? Read on, and see what you and God can do about it.
Clairalience – The Psychic Sense of SmellHave you ever caught the waft of a scent that was out of place? Maybe the smell of a family recipe cooking while you’re at work, flowers as you drive down the highway in the middle of winter, a camp fire in the cereal aisle at the grocery store? You could be experiencing Clairalience, or the ability to smell odors that aren’t really there.
Following the Breadcrumbs – How Coincidences Can Change Your LifeCoincidences are like breadcrumbs, little tidbits that are leading you somewhere. When I notice a coincidence I pick it up and look for the next one to follow. Usually they lead me to a conversation I need to have with someone or a book that I need to read. A few times, they have changed my life.
Catholic Prayer – Three Mistakes Most Catholics Make When They Try To Create a Habit of PrayerWhy is creating a habit of prayer so difficult? Most Catholics struggle to fit regular prayer into their day. I know I do! But I’m getting better and better about it. You can too! Here are three mistakes that you can avoid as you get started to make establishing a habit of prayer a lot easier.
Personal Responsibility in Soul Contracts Involving Unhealthy RelationshipsThis article discusses the soundness of the karmic soul contract theory. The author also explores victim responsibility in what some people refer to as karmic relationships.
How Much Is Enough?This article suggests that the Paradigm Shift may be Mother Earth’s way of correcting an imbalance caused by human over-population. The author contends that humanity is systematically destroying the planet due to an unnatural feeling of deprivation.
Help With Prayer – Who Do You Actually Pray To?Introduction on focusing on who you pray to. This is a great starting point on developing your prayer life.
Where Do You Go After You Die?Where do you go after you die? The answer might shock or surprise you.
Dancing in the Light of Unbearable Silent SufferingHow long will you continue this ludicrous charade? How long will you persist in running ram shod over the effervescent passion which lies buried in your soul? You must address the sullen bleakness which has enveloped your life-giving naturalness.
Trust Where You Are AtWhere you are at is where you are supposed to be. Going through changes usually brings up fears and insecurities. This is the time to go within and ask yourself, “How do I want to feel?”
Help With Prayer – Does God Answer Prayer?Introduction on determining if God answers prayer. How to know if He is working in us.
What Hating Another Christian Reveals About You1 John is a very black and white epistle, revealing the writer’s personality as one who sees no twilight – there is only light and darkness in the spiritual realm. There is ‘lukewarm’ (Revelation 3:16).