Developing a Spiritual Vision
This article discusses aspects of developing a spiritual vision. Developing a spiritual vision fosters spiritual growth and understanding.
From Cause And Effect To Absolute MeaningfulnessWe humans have the innate tendency to absolutize what is our own. Even though both the atheist and the puritan does this, both will deny this vehemently. But this tendency spells a lost battle, as only the divinity is absolute.
Life’s Last Day, Then EternityGod has wired within us all the yearning for life; for abundance; for joy. Only death finalises that hope. Yet, our loving Creator would never have designed us to want to live forever if there was no life beyond this world. We have heaven to look forward to, yes we do! This life is not all there is. Is heaven what you hope for? And, do you know Jesus?
Analysis Of The Simplicity And Infinitude Of The DivinityMost people have heard of the concepts of transcendence and immanence. But have you ever heard about the indivisible simplicity of the divinity?
Tips on How to Pray EffectivelyI’ll never forget the sit, stand, kneel and pray routine I learned as a child at the St Dominic Church. Memories still fill my mind of being taught “how” to pray. Although with good intention, the church’s teaching was more about how to kneel and hold my hands together properly rather than the fostering of communication with the Higher Intelligence (God).
What Is Truth In the Postmodern World?Pilate rather said than asked the Lord Jesus, ‘what is truth?’ In this short analysis I hope to explain that truth is seated on the edge of knife and that we should be careful not to turn either to the right or to the left.
Achilles and the TurtleThe ancient Greek philosopher Zeno posed the problem of Achilles and the turtle. According to him movement is a fallacy as Achilles can never overtake the turtle, measure being infinitely divisible.
Palmistry Lines Reading – Does It Work?Palmistry lines got a pretty poor reputation throughout time, making people think it is a fraud. In this article we shall cover what palmistry lines reading can do for you, and not less important – what it can’t. We shall break some common myths, and reveal the truth, and see how you can leverage this method to enhance your life and others.
Angels – Archangel Haniel Assists You in Expanding Beyond Your Comfort ZoneMany people are very unhappy with the way their life is and yet they choose to do absolutely nothing. If you are truly a believer you are reaching through your fear, reaching beyond all you have ever known what is holding you back? As long as you are in physical form, you will at some point experience moments, hours or perhaps even a few days or doubt and uncertainty.
The Ascension Process and Rewiring Your BrainThis article explains that working through any fears that come up regarding Ascension is actually part of the process that helps you ascend your consciousness. Working through your fears helps rewire your brain–which is what helps you ascend.
Why Therapy? Four Good Reasons for Seeing a Counselor or TherapistWhy do people go to a therapist or counselor? The first level is symptomatic or problem-based counseling. Second is therapy that considers the underlying causes of presenting problems. Third is classic psychotherapy, depth psychotherapy or major psychotherapy. The fourth level of psychotherapy and counselling is transpersonal or psycho-spiritual. Not only is it the intention of psycho-spiritual therapy to awaken the client-seeker individually, but it is also to awaken collective humanity.
God Is Good Thereby I AmIf you have been following any of my writings or read anything on any of my blog sites, you have come to realize that I am not one who glorifies victimization. I believe that each and every one of us has the power to: get wealth, prosper, thrive, and live an abundant life.