Rudraksha Diksha Initiation – Offered by Sadhguru | 23 November 2022, 7 PM IST

Heaven and Hell – Do They Exist?

In what we call life, both heaven and hell exist. In terms of life after death, my channeled angelic team assure me that heaven and hell are not places in space, but rather states of mind. Therefore, you may create them, dead or alive.

Sunday Morning Segregation

Isn’t it tough to see how we are all one, especially when we have been taught how separated we are? The world advocates many forms of separation. We are separated by class, race, religion, work, education etc.

Noah’s Flood: 7 Clues to the Problem It Solved

The Bible remains vague on what problem the flood was supposed to have solved. Genesis mentions violence and wickedness, but with all of the wickedness and violence of the last several thousand years, it seems obvious that the Flood did not cure these. Perhaps Genesis meant a specific type of wickedness. A little logic is all it takes to point us in the right direction. And we discover that the Flood helped to keep a spiritual promise implicit throughout the Bible.

Has Spirituality Failed You?

If you are reading this article, I am going to assume your answer is yes! That has been my answer many times as well. I meditate every morning, I pray, I practice yoga, I teach yoga and I am an energy healer. Still the struggles that I have had to endure in the last 10 years, has caused me on many occasions to feel that spirituality has failed me. I guess the question is then, has it? What is spirituality and what does it promise?

What Does Spirituality Really Mean

What is spirituality? In one sense it depends on who you ask, of course, but the real value is in the question itself or at least in having the freedom to ask the question.One of the reasons its such an important question is because spirituality can be a pretty daunting term for most people…

Layers Of Dreaming

I had a nightmare recently. The core of it was I was trying to tell Del something and I couldn’t speak. In the dream I knew I was dreaming so my “task” was to wake up. I did. However, I still couldn’t move. I lay there thinking how will I live this way? How will I help my clients, write my books, be present for my family? And then I realized I was still dreaming. When I woke up “again” I was just as I was when I went to sleep. Nightmare over, I felt immense relief.

Proverbs 9 – Two Very Contrastive “Feasts”

Perhaps this chapter can be seen as a logical end point to the introduction of Proverbs. Both Woman Wisdom (verses 1-6) and Woman Folly (verses 13-18) are given their last positions on the stand, beseeching in their own ways for the allegiance of the listening public. In between these two speeches lays some general maxims that seem awkwardly complementary.

How We Can Benefit From Our Spiritual Inheritance

It is easy to say we are spiritually inclined without understanding the benefits that come with this. For those of us who believe in God and our Lord and savior Jesus Christ our spiritual inheritance goes a long way into ensuring that our lives are whole and complete. In the reality of the challenges we all face in today’s society a wealthy inheritance opens most doors and having a spiritual inheritance such as this ensures that these doors remain opened for eternity.

Keeping Our Promise

Each year there is a day or two that we all take stock of who we are, what we have done, and what we want to do. Each year there is a New Year’s bell that rings, calling us to make resolutions. In recent years there has been a different tone to the bell. It is a higher and more demanding tone forged out of the unrest throughout the world.

Nothing But God Exists, So What Is the Ego?

Many are afraid to let go of their ego. They are afraid that if they don’t have an ego, they will lose their identity.But which identity is lost when the ego diminishes?Only the false self we all learned to be while growing up because our authentic self wasn’t acceptable to society.

Run the Race and Never Quit!

This race called LIFE can be difficult, challenging – even tiring. But God’s Word encourages us to throw off every weight that keeps us from running with perseverance. We must keep our eyes on Jesus so that we can cross the Finish Line without growing weary or losing heart. So put on your best walking shoes, take a deep breath and jump into the race, knowing fully well that Jesus is cheering you on and waiting anxiously to strengthen you and celebrate your victory to the finish!

History of the Magick Spelling

As I learn more about real spells and spell casting, a question has come up. Why is there a “k” included in the spelling of Magick? This question has plagued modern day magicians since it was first printed in John Dee’s Diaries during the Elizabethan age.

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