5 Things You Should Know About The NEW Moon (November 4th, 2021)

Small Prayers That Loom Large for God

We undervalue prayer so much that during our season of losing our son, we so commonly heard, ‘I’m so sorry, all I can do is pray.’ We would say, ‘that’s the best thing you could do.’

The Cost of Discipleship Prayer

This prayer is devoted to Luke 14:28: Jesus said, likening the call to follow Him to that of building a tower. “Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it?”

Echoes Past of Deep Calling to Deep

Against the flow of growth, away from the pain of present, and into the pain of past I went. A pain where deep strived to again meet Deep; where deep called to Deep, and Deep answered.

God Has His Hand on You

We wish we could go back in time and save the young person we were to change the course our lives took. We can’t do that but we can reach out to the young adults today and possibly change the course of their decisions.

For Through Pain We Heal Pain, in Jesus’ Name

There are many realities that make us feel too much in this life. For every problem there is a solution, and where the problem causes pain we opt for a solution that propounds the pain, unless we enter the pain raw within the problem itself. If we take the courage to enter the pain and not run from it, then we enter Jesus there. His Presence is known when we go to the cross. But, we hate pain.

What Happens When We Die?

Many of us have often wondered what happens to us when we die? It is an age old question and one that is difficult to correctly answer because once we die, we theoretically can no longer communicate with those who we have left behind. There are individuals who have had a near death experience or an out of body experience who have relayed their perception of what they encountered. Many of them tell of similar encounters when they return to our plane of existence.

Two Gospel Purposes in Every One Life

The conviction of the Holy Spirit was indelible. It went like this: two opposing ‘gospels’, but that which complement one another. Let’s say one is preached by Paul Washer or David Platt. The other is preached by Joel Osteen or Rob Bell.

Is There a Coaching Ministry Inside of You?

If you have a desire to become involved in ministry then a coaching ministry might be a great opportunity for you. Starting your own coaching ministry can allow you to share your God-given gifts, make a difference in the lives of others, and leave a powerful legacy. Don’t hide the purpose that God has placed in you, unleash it, and then release it into the world. Because somebody needs what you have to offer.

Thirty Pieces of Silver

I’m using silver as a metaphor to illustrate how our greed and quest for materiel goods has turn our oceans and land into a wasteland, filled with disregarded packaging of stuff bought with silver. Silver is the payment we receive based on how we’ve lived our life in previous incarnations.

No Fear of Missing Out, Just Pure Joy, When IN Christ

Gazing through a shopping mall at all the shoppers – individuals, families, elderly, children – and I can’t help noticing something striking. These are people of all varieties. Some seem so happy. Others, I can tell, are not enjoying their present moment. Then I realise something through my smile; the kind of smile you wear in a philosophical moment, when God is revealing something profound: “We love because He first loved us.” (1 John 4:19)

How To Protect Yourself From Negative Energy

It is important for those who are highly sensitive to have strong boundaries to protect themselves from psychic attack and other people’s negative emotions. Psychic attack is a type of negative energy, which can be sent either consciously by black magicians or unconsciously by a friend, colleague or family member who may be jealous or angry. The effects can range from feeling tired and drained or feeling as though nothing is going right in your life to being attacked by spirits in your sleep.

What Reward for Faithfulness?

A common refrain I hear in the pastoral conversations I have is the precise question, ‘What exactly is going to be my reward for sticking this season out?’ It would be easy to say to such people, just toughen up a little, you just need to be obedient, or do you realise what the consequences would be for not doing God’s will? But such seasons of life are tough.

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