The World’s Got Talent
Many winners around the world did not win first place in the respective competitions they had been entrants but they were winners in spirit and eventual triumphs because of the exposure received during the contest. Do you have that spirit that needs the electrifying charge of winning to propel you to success? That spirit is within all of us but for many an essential ingredient is needed to induce us to keep going.
God Is Not Our EnemyRunning away from faith is akin to stranding oneself on an island in the universe encompassed in darkness. We read countless passages quoting Buddha, Dalai Lama, Socrates, Aristotle et al and Jesus is looked upon as a prophet, but we see few if any quotes from God.
How to Uplift a Depressed SpiritThe life and strength that we have to carry out our daily activities come from the strength we possess in our spirits. When we lose this strength, gone is also our will to do most things. During these times irrespective of what we have we struggle to find anything positive at that moment in our lives. This can be for an hour, a day or even weeks leading on to years.
Hospitality – When the Needy ComesSometimes in my Christian life, I feel that my life is not truly making enough impact for God. I don’t know about you, but I feel the urge to go further in my calling to touch lives.
The Gift of Encouragement – Another Kind of MinistryEncouragement is that character that lifts, supports, and helps others up through difficult circumstances, all from God’s perspective. A person with this gift is an asset in any Christian group. People, who are gifted this way, are those who help to see projects through to the end. When everyone else is tiring, the encourager will come along and help them to find new strength and zeal.
Overcoming the Evil in ServiceWhen we talk about serving, it means no other thing than taking the lowly place in order to make sure that every other person is adequately taken care of. In most cases service can be rendered through Ushering, etc. It should be noted that whenever we take our place to serve, we should always look unto God for our reward, not to man.
Luxurious Liberal Life, the Best Thing GoingMODE of Cosmic Therapy: The True Art of Gratitude I appreciate life! I can’t remember a time when I was not completely enthralled with the inexplicable mysteries associated. I honor, revere, and excitedly embrace the hours in every day.
The Akashic RecordsThe Akashic records are quite simply an energetic database in the ethers. Sounds pretty wafty and off the planet, but just like the internet, it’s a magnificent source of information that you can easily access, if you know how. They are a filing system, like an energetic library, that records every thought, feeling, event, action and experience since the beginning of time.
Discover Your Past LivesReincarnation is the belief that after a person dies their soul or spirit comes back to earth in another body. The soul is eternal and decides that it needs to experience lessons here on the Earth Plane. When we are born we think we are having a fresh start but in our subconscious are memories of our past lives and sometimes they can surface in various ways.
Justified and Unjustified KarmaWhen reading the Akashic Records in order to provide a healing of blocks and restrictions at a Soul Level one will find there are two types of karma. Justified and Unjustified karma. Justified karma is karma that is being worked through for the benefit of the soul’s highest path and purpose.
Embracing Curiosity As Our True Motivation For Living AbundantlyThe only possible answer: curiosity! We are curious creatures who desire to experience, crave to learn, aspire to grow and passionately yearn to evolve while living as human beings.
Earthbound Spirits and GhostsAn earthbound spirit is pretty easy to define. A ghost not as clear cut. An earthbound spirit is here for a number of reasons.