Anticipation Can Be Used For Good Or Bad
Life is controlled by your expectations. Educate yourself by embracing the concepts of this article.
Who Are You?How do you define yourself? Awakening the wisdom of awareness.
Is God Really Different Than Us?God does things differently than the world does. He says: “…my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Again, God does things differently than the world does and He wants us to operate differently than the world does, to do things His way!
Will the World End in 2012? And Thanking God Anyway!Will the world end in 2012? No, not literally but I do believe after reading this that it serves great significance. Great insight, spiritually inclining, and offers hope for those who believe in following Christ.
The Goal – Spiritual Progress Unto PerfectionPaul has here (in Philippians 3), not reached perfection, but Christ Jesus has. This is an important juncture of the Spiritual premise we attain and always come back to. The “goal” is our perfection, not spiritual perfection itself.
Deepening Divine GuidanceGuidance is always available but offered only when requested. Our ability to receive and recognize guidance can be nurtured and developed.
Sour Faith – Part 2Life is not always pleasant and easy. It is not filled with basking in the sun and eating grapes from the vine. No, it is sometimes a down right sultry and difficult experience.
Reprogram Your Brain to Arrive at Spirit! – Understand the Nature of Individual SelfishnessNature of individual selfishness can not be satisfied by accepting his request, but by understanding it. If you are timid and too dependent on alcohol or other addictions, become free of it by the understanding of individual selfishness and reprogram your brain.
Who is a God Like You? How Great (Merciful and Forgiving) Indeed!So great is God that he understands and accepts our human failings–our propensity to change our minds. He accepts that we have moods and sometimes either deliberately do bad things or simply make mistakes. He made us; he was there, too, when we fell.
Asking From Strength Instead of FearThere is a quote which has been attributed to Einstein: “Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them.” I had heard this quote many times, but often we may register ideas on an intellectual level but need experience to bring the information from the mind to the heart, and to transform the intellectual understanding into actual knowledge. Luckily, I had an experience that really demonstrated the truth of that quote.
Psychic EcologyIt is very easy for us to perceive everything as completely separate from us, and to subsequently judge all of the evils of the world as having been created and perpetuated by other not-so-evolved people. But we are far more interdependent than we think, and our effect on each other is sublimely complex. Is it possible that our thoughts and words take on lives of their own, and contribute to the state of our environment, both physical and nonphysical?
The Best Therapist in the WorldIn the And so I advocate that we reclaim the right to heal ourselves, in addition to seeking assistance from others. We all have the ability. Now it’s a matter of giving ourselves permission to use it.