Give Lovingly – Not Grudgingly
Are you supportive of others in your life, or do you take a selfish approach to getting ahead in life? In order to get ahead, sometimes you have to put others ahead of yourself. You have to give unto others and extend a helping hand.
The False Dichotomy of the Modern WiccanIn this article I will be discussing the often treacherous road we take on our paths. What is meant by that and what we can do to avoid the pitfalls of this false dichotomy. There are other alternatives to being secretly Wiccan and I will divulge my opinions on those and the benefit of the same. We are always who we are and we tend to stifle the truth about ourselves when it could prove to “go against us”. It is within this scope that I will be speaking here.
Are You Exemplifying the Fruit of the Spirit?It’s common that we have influences in our life but as we grow mature in Christ we start to discover who we are in Him. Many times we’re looking to others for validation when our true validation comes from Christ. In the process of seeking the approval of others we lose focus on where the true validation comes from. Because of this, some people start to emulate the behaviors of people that they look up to.
Discover Your Spiritual GiftsThe Word of God tells us that our gifts will make room for us. Are you using yours? I believe that we all have a gift inside of us whether we know it or not. No, I’m not talking about a gift wrapped in a bow and shiny wrapping paper. I’m talking about our spiritual gifts, those gifts that we were born with that were given to us from the Father.
Weathering the Storms of LifePerhaps you’ve been hit by the downfall of the recession. Maybe you’re out of a job or perhaps you’ve had the unfortunate experience of having your home foreclosed on.
Spiritual – The Voice WithinEverybody is invited to the Master’s table. The voice is calling, unrelenting. Sadly though, not everyone hears, not everybody could enter and have a short time with the One who truly tended to us most. Nonetheless, everybody is never-ending spark in the universe. Once conceived, we are staying for eternity.
What is a Christian? Part 2 – Follow MeIn part one of this series, we learned that the first words Jesus spoke in the gospel of Matthew were, “Repent”, which means to feel such sorrow for sin as to be disposed to change one’s life for the better. In part 2, we will consider His next words, “Follow me.”
Chakras – The Spinning Wheel of EnergyChakra is the Hindu term for spinning wheel of energy. Each of us has seven major Chakra centers that are located vertically in front of the spinal column.
Auras and Aura BalancingThe aura is an energy field that surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body. This life force energy helps to nourish and sustain all life forms including the mineral, plant and animal kingdom.
Spiritual InsightThe aura is an energy field that surrounds and permeates the physical body. All that we say, think and do, is reflected in our individual aura. When a person passes over into spirit, all that is reflected in one’s aura is retained in one’s spirit.
Distinction Between Spirit and SoulWe learn here the differences between a spirit and a soul. They are different in their origin, in their function and in their destiny.
Paybacks Are Taking Too Long?“Why does the Almighty not set times for judgment? Why must those who know him look in vain for such days?” Job 24:1 When we feel we’ve been wronged and really do want to get back at a person, this verse can make us feel even more stress.