Samyama – An Incredible Process to be Meditative with Eyes Open

Akashic Records Session With Chinese Writing Stones

Akashic Records are a fun and easy way to learn more about yourself, your past lives, and where you are headed in this lifetime. But a lot of people do not know how to effectively access their records. Maybe they have an attunement, energy form, trance sessions, but they need just a bit more energy to get them to the point where they want to be.

Hope For Your Peace – Filled Future

Peace is not normally something we have a mortgage on; as an experience I mean. But, this ‘peace of God’ is a peace that will protect us from all those “captivities” of the past, present and future.

Faith to Deny – The Golden Paradox

MANY people cannot live a life of faith because they cannot deny reality. There isn’t enough reason for them to choose faith in order to deny. And the bridges that exist between faith and denial are indeed splendidly paradoxical. Let’s make a short study of them.

Does Christian Giving Give You Heartburn?

This article discusses the subject of Christian giving. Among the ideas noted are how God owns everything; gratitude should be our greatest motivator; and the need to commit to growing.

What Are Some of the Choir Director Jobs?

In this article my goal is to explain the various duties involved in the choir director’s position. First and foremost this person is a Music Minister. By this they minister though the use medium of music.

2 Ways How You Can Be Set Apart by God and Set Aside For His Special Attention and Success

Have you ever wanted to be constantly filled with the joy and peace of the LORD? Have you ever wanted to be a personal favorite of God’s, and a person that He looks out for by doing something special like hiding you as His own secret possession? Have you ever wanted to see success in ministry on earth in the eyes of all other people? This Bible text and article holds the key.

Christian Prayer – How is Your Prayer Life?

This articles discusses the importance of Christian prayer. Among the ideas noted are times to pray and the acronym ACTS (i.e., adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication).

Disciple Now Curriculum – How to Decide on a Curriculum

When planning out a disciple now weekend one of the most important and sometimes stressful decisions you have to make is what Disciple Now curriculum to use. There are certainly a lot of choices out there, and of course you want to choose something that will allow students to get the full impact out of the weekend possible. Here are a few things that may help guide you in your process of choosing a Disciple Now Curriculum.

What is Past Life Memory?

What is a past life? What is life? And what purpose is there to know the answers to these questions? Here is a short article that sheds some light on these answers.

Jesus Images

Every so often someone reports seeing an image of the Virgin Mary or Christ in some unusual place. Not too long ago a South Bend, Indiana, couple reported that they saw an image of Christ on the fur of their cat.

Is Death Something to Fear?

Man seems to be genetically conditioned to fear death. Yet it is life that introduces us to the very concepts of death and fear. As far as we know, it is not our death, but our birth that launches us into the unknown and opens to us the gate of pain and suffering.

Breathing the Light!

Within your body you are full of energy. This energy together with the breath brings you to a place of love. This place of love dwells within you and when you breathe you will find it brings you peace.

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