Another Reason to Learn Meditation
It is more valuable to learn meditation than you may realize. If you learn meditation, the quality of your emotional life will improve. Why? How could your emotional life improve merely by learning how to meditate?
In What Sense Did God Become A Part Of My Life?January 18, 2007… this is the first day I became keenly aware that God is an active part of my life and not just some god Emeritus witnessing everything catatonically. This is the day my husband packed his things and left my kid and me. For me, this is Survival Day 1.
Spiritual Weapons of WarfareThis subject is the most hated by Satan and his cohorts because demons hate torment. I have not known what scares Satan to death apart from being tormented by the Blood of Christ and the Fire of the Holy Ghost. While Jesus Christ was on earth devils hated his presence because they hated torment.
Understanding God’s Love – The Samaritan Woman at the WellOne woman’s misunderstanding of God’s love. Do Christians have the courage and self-awareness to dare ask the following questions? Do we honestly find everything we have been told about God lovable?
Spirit Touch – A Spooky (In a Good Way) Experience at a GraveyardLife goes on for us and our loved ones who have passed on. Sure we miss them terribly and need to go through the process of grief. This spooky experience I had at a graveyard reminded me that our loved ones can step through the portal of time and cross the veil and make contact with us.
God and the Creation – A HypothesisThere are four aspects of God’s Creation — How, Why, When, and What. Three out of the four — How, Why, and When belong in the realm of conjectures. The fourth (the What) is what we are, and the other phenomena are.
Ask Your AngelsOur angels are our closest friends, our strongest supporters and respond to our call before we even finish asking. They inspire us when answers seem out of reach, they encourage us when we can’t take the next step and they love us even when we don’t love ourselves. If you’re not working with your angels, you’re not living a full abundant life.
The Spiritual Path – Fear of Dying or Going Insane – Part 1This article handles the subject of what happens when you encounter existential suffering on a spiritual path. This is normally not talked about because many spiritual teachers are not sure how to handle it. They teach the path but not how do deal with the tough part that you may encounter when going deeper.
How Do We Pray?When I was a little girl I prayed for a fairy. I got right down on my skinny, scuffed up knees, squeezing my eyes shut, clasping my hands, and I would plead “Dear God, please, please may I have a fairy?” I had the feeling, at the beginning of each day, of something wonderful about to happen.
Truth For LifeTruth for Life means different things for different people in that your truth will not someone else’s truth. But that is not important, only that you know and put into practice what your truth is. The Law of Attraction deals with many things, including the amazing truth about the the universal law of attraction.
Define Yourself – MysticallyPeople define themselves as their body, or their job, or their illnesses and think this is who they are. That’s not who you are, you are at the very essence Pure Divine Energy, Pure Consciousness.
What Makes You Great?Do you follow blindly, or are you striving to forge your own tracks? I choose to forge my own way while using the gifts and talents God gave me. May you find the leader in you also!