Life is falling apart?

Knowing and Doing the Will of God Through Relationships

Human interactions are always reaction and not action first. We tend to react to others from what they do to us. Divine interaction is always action regardless of their actions. God will teach us how to treat each others regardless of how they treat us. This is the fundamental difference between human and divine relationship.

Knowing and Doing the Will of God Through the Bible

The Bible is a lamp to my feet and light to my path. Lamp to the feet is a short immediate opening you see. Walk in that spot of light God has shown. The light to my path is the log term way that you will eventually walk if you heed to the lamp. If you do not see the spot light on the immediate and take your step you will miss knowing and doing the will of God.

Why People Reject Jesus Christ

People might feel they know the reason why they have rejected Jesus Christ, but their reason would probably be wrong. The true reason they have rejected Him is revealed in the Bible.

God Works in Mysterious Ways

In 1986, for the first time in history, twelve of the world’s religions gathered in Assisi, Italy, to pray for world peace. Each religion had its own peace prayer. In January 2002, in light of what happened on September 11, 2001, Pope John Paul II invited the leaders of these religions to come together again in Assisi, Italy, to pray for peace. In November 2001, I was in my mother’s house and she told me about this event, but didn’t know any of the details. Ah, I would love to go to that, I thought, but knew very little about when, where or who?

My “Flesh” Challenge (And Yours)

Most recently during an organisation change at my workplace two colleagues of similar status received promotions and I didn’t (the three of us are mentored by our General Manager). You could expect there’d be some level of internal complaint from myself alluding to, ‘why not me?’ I’d like to say there wasn’t, but I’d be lying if I did. I think anyone in the same situation would feel the same sense of disappointment.

Connecting With Angels

No matter if you have a religious affiliation, Angels transcend those structures. Many people that work with Angels and angelic energy do not have a specific religious practice. For me, the bottom line is that if Angels speak (and sometimes they literally do!) to your heart, then I encourage you to explore, study and most importantly trust yourself to open up to their existence and ASSISTANCE on your spiritual path.

Honoring Your Job is Honoring God

In what ways do most people honor God? Many people say, “I go to church to honor God.” “I read the Christian Bible to honor God.” “I pray and praise to honor God.” And yes, all of these are true ways to honor God, but did you know that you are honoring God just as much when you get to work on time?

A Cardinal Speaks to Representatives From Every European Nation and Denomination on Unity

When there was a lot of ecumenical activity among the denominations I remember Cardinal Suenens speaking these words to us in Belgium, when around eighty of us had gathered in his residence from every European nation and denomination. “The problems are not there to remain problems. Problems are there to be solved. When the situation looks impossible, like with Mary in Luke Chapter 1, expect the Holy Spirit to overshadow you and expect to be overshadowed by the Holy Spirit, and a miracle of God will take place. The Holy Spirit will do it. The Holy Spirit gave birth to Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit gave birth to the Church of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit will do it. We must rely on the Holy Spirit.” That was a moving evening in Belgium with Cardinal Suenens.

The Gospel Story – We Do Not Make This “Story” Up

Are Jesus and the gospel story true? And what makes it so? Peter’s Mount of Transfiguration account (and our own) is worth considering.

How to Clear Negative Energy From Your Home

Do you know that feeling you have when you get towards the end of Winter, and all you want to do is open up the place and air it out? Your home feels stuffy, heavy and stale after being closed up for months and you know that a good airing will lighten everything up. Well when you do that, you are clearing your home of negative energy. This article is all about simple ways to clear out stale and even negative energy, brightening up your home and lifting the mood.

Taking a Good Look at Our Family

Picture for a moment driving home from a family occasion with a full complement of the immediate family onboard. No one’s aware that I, the driver, father and husband, is observing from the eternal workspace… and what do I see?

Invisible Forces in Your Life – Imagine an Angel Sitting on Your Shoulder and Whispering in Your Ear

Are invisible forces guiding you in your life? Imagine an angel of God sitting on your shoulder. What do you think that angel would say? Would he or she offer constructive or destructive help?

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