Why Doesn’t God Exist?
It is relatively easy to determine through using a particular definition whether God does or does not exist. For example, if we imagine God to be a senile old guy with a white beard who farts thunderbolts, then most people can clearly and with confidence say that such a God doesn’t exist (except in our imaginations).
Daily Karma Removal ProgramLife is the manifestation of your old karmas of past lives. Your success and failure is not the reflection of your deeds in the present life; but of the past life. Everyone, every day, is facing only his/her karma. The so called illusory future is the reflection of your past. In order to enjoy a bright present and future life, one must make it a point to resolve their past life’s karmas. As a powerful solution to the problem, our ancient siddhas recommended worshiping deities who are responsible for various aspects of our life, and also created methodologies to appease those deities.
Put God First in All ThingsThis is the most important commandment of all, that we put God first in everything that we do. Most of us think perhaps our children are the most important things in our lives, but this is a lie. Some would put spouses or parents first. If your heart cries out for members of your family, yet only gives lip-service to the Lord, it is time to re-think your values.
What Can God Do?There are many aspects of God, and some of them are more associated with ‘active doing’ than others. For example, two common archetypes are ‘Father God’ and ‘Mother Nature’. Here the father aspect is likened to the sun, radiating light outwards and giving the spark of life to the world, while the mother aspect is like earth, accepting and nurturing. Fire and water, light and darkness, etc. are other such archetypes, one of which is ‘doing’ and the other ‘not-doing’.
Why Does God Love?Compared to God’s unconditional Love, our romantic idea of love is most of the time primitive and full of need (it’s the difference of heaven and hell between the two). For us, unconditional Love is a process of becoming one with the object of Love. For God, since he does nothing but Love, it is the most basic reality of the world and the way to continuously create the whole of creation.
What Is God Doing?God is not dead, nor is he inactive. God is still actively creating the world. And he’s not only up there somewhere in heaven looking down approvingly or disapprovingly, but he’s also down in trenches, making every flower grow and every heart beat.
Why Does God Hate?It is so hard not to imagine God as a human. We think that if God loves, then he must hate too. Especially when we are enshrouded in a personal tragedy, we feel that God must be very hateful and uncaring – and that we are standing at the center of his hate.
The Benefits of Tantra Breathing TechniquesThe techniques of Tantra breathing form the most esoteric part of the art of Tantra. Vamana Muni formulated a unique system of Tantra breathing, which is also evident in the asanas prescribed by Rishi Patanjali.
A Life Lived in Balance is a Spiritual OneThere is a saying among the Sufi mystics: “In the olden days, ‘Sufi’ as a term did not exist, but people lived the Sufi message. Now, the term ‘Sufi’ exists – but no one lives the message.”
Never MindOur minds keep us from moving along the spiritual path. Emotions distract us. To proceed, we are being asked to turn everything over to God.
Lines in the Parking LotIt took a long time for the owner of our local mall to repave the parking lot. It was in horrible condition for a long time. It was full of large potholes, and the surface was so old and cracked that there were no longer any visible lines for parking spaces. The only hint of the spaces of the past were the posts and signs that marked the spots for handicapped parking. It wasn’t much to work with.
Becoming a Guardian of Our Earth – Six Steps to Get You StartedCan you see yourself as a Guardian of our Earth who assists in its healing and its peacemaking? You do not have to wait till Earth Day to connect to Mother Earth and make your commitment to assist our planet and humanity today.