How To Deal With Past Sexual Abuse? | Sadhguru

They Nearly Murdered Me, My Salvation Story

Where have we come from and what has gone wrong with this world? This is a World View and controversial narrative, of my personal story about how I was about to be ‘sent to the knives’ and aborted.

Living Your Life God’s Way – Love God and Jesus

Are you a new Christian? Have you been one for a while and are struggling with your Christian walk? Do you want to live the kind of life that God wants you to live? Do you want to live your life in a way that is pleasing to God? Do you want to be known by Jesus? This article and those to follow will explore ways to live “Your Life God’s Way”.

Why Religious Debates Are So Uninspiring

When someone from the clergy starts to speak they have a demeanour, a look, an attitude that reeks of brainwashing and rigid control. It is something that appears in others who are also focused on their job to the extent that they literally have blinkers on. When they talk on a subject they are looking inwards at their soul to make their points and it reflects in their eyes which are dark and lacking in vision.

Collaroy Beach After the Storm and a Lesson From God

This is an area well-known to me as we visited relatives at Narrabeen, which is an adjacent suburb, in my childhood. My brother now lives there and I had my first water-skiing lesson on Narrabeen Lakes in my teens. After the massive storm that hit the east coast of Australia this week it is now a mess.

God’s People Shall Pray And God Will Heal Their Land

Do you know that Christians will be held responsible for the state of their nations, whether good or bad? Man was given dominion to subdue the earth, which he lost after the fall of Adam, but was restored back through Jesus Christ and now in the hands of believing Christians. The exercise of this dominion or lack of its exercise determines the happenings around us. This article emphasizes the position of Christians in the affairs of their nations.

Not All Bad Situations Are Actually Bad

Have you given up? Bad situations are real, but what’s more real is that it is not meant to consume you! Whatever situation you may be in now that is gloomy, rejoice for the end of the tunnel is at the corner and it opens to a bright and mouth-watering future. This article is emphasizing the need for you to swim over every situation for your better tomorrow.

Examine Yourself – Are You Poor Before God?

What is more important-how people see you or how God sees you? Many people are desperate to be wealthy but are not even concerned about how God sees them. They forget that He made them and that He will be there on judgment day. This article emphasizes the importance of being rich before God

How By Staying Thankful, God Can Never Snatch Anything Away From You

Too many a time, we take the people and the amenities in our lives for granted. But have you ever taken a moment to ponder how your life would be without them? Have you ever tried to be thankful? Look inside for the mountain of stuff you should be grateful about.

Who Gets the Credit for Your Achievements? (Thoughts on Psalm 21)

Psalm 21 begins with David telling God, “O LORD, the king rejoices in your strength. How great is his joy in the victories you give!

The Way of True Wisdom

Ever since the world began, as recorded in Holy Scriptures, many have been on a search for wisdom. But many have been searching for it…

Youth Ideas – String Connections

Almost everyone has some string lying around the house. Most often, string is used to connect things. As such, the string games below can be used to introduce a great object lesson on being connected to Christ and others.

Discover Your Guardian Angels: An Easy Exercise Proven to Locate Your Spirit Guide (100% Free!)

Do you have a guardian angel? Are spirit guides real? What is the best evidence that we have personal protectors in the ethereal realms?

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