What ONE Thought Can Do | Sadhguru #shorts #sadhguru

Sound Advice From the World’s Greatest Politician (Thoughts on Psalm 20)

It’s a presidential election year in the U.S.A. and I can’t help but paraphrase Psalm 20:7 (“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God) as “Some trust in Democrats and some trust in Republicans…” And I can’t help but think of any number of other human institutions that we so easily look to for the solution to our problems: education, medicine, science, technology, etc. The list goes on and on for every generation.

Should We Pray for Physical Safety? (Thoughts on Psalm 16)

Is it appropriate for Christians to pray for physical safety? For example, whenever my family takes a trip, we ask God for protection, that He would keep us out of harm’s way, and that we’d arrive at our destination safe and sound.

They Turned God Into the Devil

“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Isaiah 5:20. Following my reincarnation the Spirit commissioned me to remove the wall of confusion that hides the meaning of these words.

The Big Storm Is Brewing

Wind is incredibly destructive and possibly the worst of all natural storms. It blows away houses, uproots trees, drives oceans over land, and it kills thousands. Tornadoes and cyclones are equally horrendous as they disturb entire communities and devastate countries.

Why God Prefers Women to Men

While male humans consider themselves made in the image of God they have no perspective of the real Divine Creator. It is not a man, but a great Spirit that fills all of space. Women feel it and are more likely to be connected to it than men who created religions and systems based on their dreams and imagination while ignoring the things in front of their eyes.

Top 50 Christian Search Words – Some May Surprise You

Here are the 50 top Christian search words on the internet from 2014 research. Some may surprise you.

Notice I Call God It and Not Him

People who address God with a male pronoun have no concept of who or what the real God is. They are grossly misled by the religious dogma that states that God is a man who favoured a son. Nothing could be further from the truth.

It’s Only Through People That the Spirit Speaks

To know God is to understand how it speaks to its own. It is not a man above the clouds holding a trident and sending lightning bolts to earth. Neither is it something resembling 3 people in one, such as a trinity.

Most Direct Path to God

We must know and understand why we are here in these lower worlds where we currently live. The purpose for the creation of the lower worlds is for all Souls to descend downward from the higher True God Worlds. In the lower worlds we are governed by Matter, Energy, Space and Time. These are also worlds of opposites, good and evil, love and hate, dark and light.

God Speaks Through Its Own to Its Own

When one called by God has to speak out then who is it that is willing to listen? The prophets of the Old Testament lived over 2,000 years ago and their words are with power and wisdom. Religions have taught their congregations that this doesn’t happen now and the God is too far off to hear.

Don’t Say That God Said

Most won’t listen to anyone who tells them “God said” because the Spirit has been silent for so long that only a few know that it speaks out. It does, however, talk to us all. Most learn not to listen to it so only those who bypass indoctrination can hear it.

Object Lesson – Bubbly Christians

Everyone loves soap bubbles – Preschoolers, Children, Youth and Adults. They gleam and sparkle in all the colors of the rainbow. They float along and drift in delightful and unexpected ways. They come in all sizes and shapes, and can be caught or set free, alone or connected. But one thing is true of all bubbles. There will come a time when each bursts and is forever lost. Bubbles do not last forever. They remind us to focus on this things that last forever.

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