Ready for the Journey of a Lifetime? | Ride with Sadhguru #Shorts

Why the Real God Hid From the World

Those of the Spirit know who they are and they are gathering in groups where the power works to demonstrate that God has come out of hiding. It was promised to happen at the end and the last days are now here. The great wonders of the age include all of the promises in the prophecies of the Old Testament and they leave religious bodies floundering.

God’s Spiritual Light Fulfilling “Last Days” Promises

Those who are ‘connected’ to the real God are experiencing the return of the Spirit and the gathering in promised for the last days. Those who are not connected are being dealt with in a different way as the end of the day approaches. The powerful signs and wonders are fulfilling the promises made thousands of years ago.

The Wall of the Two Beasts Is Smashed

The wall of religions hide the real God by burying the truth and creating a thick fog of confusion. Only through the power of the real God, the Great Spirit of the Universe, can that wall be smashed. It was promised to come crashing down at the end of days and now is the time.

Who Experiences the Power of the Spirit?

The spiritual of God are those who feel the Spirit as power racing through their body. They are called out of religion and are gathering in groups where the power flows and miracles happen. The enormous rush of energy from God is often more than one can take and they are slain by it. These are the signs that the real God is back and religions are on the way out.

God Is Undoing the Dark Powers of Religion and Shining Spiritual Light Into the World

Those of the Spirit know who they are now as the power has pulled them away from the darkness of religion. They are gathered in groups or separated from the world and they are waiting as the harvest of God continues and the last days approach. The world tethers on the brink of disaster from many fronts as the real God acts to bring it to an end.

Words That Spark Your Inner Self

The spiritual children of God are aware of the energy that directs and guides them through their lives. They are uncomfortable in religious circles because the power leaves them and they feel ‘dead’. That is why the New Age groups of miracle workers is happening now as we are in the last days and the promises made by God are coming true.

Object Lesson – Balloon Faith

Balloons are enjoyed not only by children and youth, but by people of all ages. We see them at birthdays and celebrations throughout the year. And like many things we enjoy in the world around us, they can be metaphors for spiritual lessons as well.

The Misinterpretation of Zion by Pastors and Priests

People are coming to the Internet in droves as predicted in Micah 4:1. It is the Mountain of God that is shedding light into the religious darkness that has held the world in its grip for some 4,000 years. The truth is flowing and releasing the spiritual people from their prison and from the myths that hide the Spirit of the Universe.

Religion and Spirituality Are Opposites and They Cannot Exist Together

The spiritual know they have a link to God and they are in communication with the Spirit. These are the last days and the power is back to redeem its own. The religious will not be spared because they worship false gods and pray to idols. They are in God’s sight for destruction.

Do Not Carry On The Sabbath

The problem with religious people is that they blind themselves to the meaning of the teachings and instead take things literally or just follow what the Rabbi or Priest tells them. So let us look at the meaning based on the point of the entire concept of religion.

Were Buddha And Other Spiritual People Really Without Wealth?

For people who think that being spiritual means you should not care about money or material things, there is something to bear in mind if you are using the justification that Buddha and spiritual people had nothing. In fact, they were effectively very rich.

Nurturing the Emergence of Truth

How do we nurture the emergence of truth? For, little else matters.

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