Why Spiritual Teachers Are Not Required
If one is ‘of the Spirit’ then they have communication with God through the little voice within. They are not usually found in religious organisations as they were led away from them by the power that has delivered them to perfection.
The Root Of All SufferingPeople cannot avoid the suffering dished out by the Great Spirit of the Universe. We live on the same planet and we die according to the way we live. Now, however, the end of the day will see a large proportion of the population disappear as the Power to know has returned.
The Revenant BlessingWhat God needs to do to get most and maximum value out of us, for his Kingdom, is he needs to end the striving of our will in order that he might commence the striving in us for his – for real and certain. We say we’re his, but are we really? Are we ready to die a fresh death? Once we’ve lived a death to ourselves, we’re able to do it more and more.
Faith Ascends Love’s Stairway, Enabled on Kingdom’s HopeFaith is underpinned by love and it is elevated by hope to a vision of the Kingdom. Love opens the way forward for faith, but without hope faith would be inconsolably frustrated.
Criticism BitesAn unchecked critical spirit will lead people to bite and devour those who do not come up to “their” standards. They set themselves up as the authority of all things. The Apostle Paul warns Christians of this very thing in Galatians 5…
When Faith of Night RisesTAKE the situation of life that presses you into a corner you have not chosen, and would never choose, for yourself. God is there. The situation requires much more of you than you have in energy reserve. God’s grace is sufficient. His power is perfect in your weakness. Still, you’re beside yourself in how you’ll negotiate this situation. He’s already planned your way through, and your way out. Then comes a final blow of some variety that sends you into the type of tailspin you cannot extricate yourself from. When all seems lost, God comes through and turns disaster into a pivotal lesson you’re so thankful for. These are the days of faith!
Miracles of Healing And Peace Beyond UnderstandingThose of the Spirit are being found and receiving the healing and peace of the real God. They are fleeing religions in droves and knowledge is overturning the work of 666 and to lay all those who follow the dogma to rest.
Spirituality Is Indeed an Individual Journey Yet Choosing That Path Can Often Be, A Wee Bit, Awkward– “Spiritually Rudderless” – With the empirical modern-rational views along with living in the post 60’s – “No one tells ME what to do or makes me pray this way or that way”, and “Question Authority”… Combined with: The unfortunate growing pains of the Church when they had to go through the ‘learning curve’ of true ethical behavior… Some Church ‘history’… is hard to get past for these types of ‘post-modern’ and ‘post-rational’ individuals, yet they often feel that… ” Inner Pull” of some sort of “Inspiration” that leads them to feel like: “We must be part of something that is much bigger than we are led to experience. But… For the most part… They have: “Thrown the Spiritual Baby – Out with the dirty Bath water of Church dogma… Thus meandering haphazardly through life ‘Spiritually Rudderless’… With No Spiritual Direction. This ‘Spiritually Rudderless’ group of ‘post-modern’ and ‘post-rational’ individuals represent a large and growing portion of the population… Add to that ‘Recovering Cathohaulics’ & ‘Godaphobes’… Read this Inspiring Article to: Learn how to live your life in more ‘Mindfully Appropriate’ ways
Fear Drives The Religious Into A Hell Of Man’s MakingThe spiritual have a way of returning that has escaped the notice of those who are religious in mind. They have reincarnated and have grown in perfection with each death. Their return at this time is the most fruitful as knowledge and power is now flowing to support their link to the Spirit.
How To Be Content With What You HaveIn a world full of clever marketing and shiny, new things, it can be hard to be content with what we have. Sometimes we feel like we have to “keep up with the Joneses” and must have the latest and greatest. We will never make everyone happy, but we do have the power to change our attitude and make God and ourselves happy.
Get the Inspiration You Need While Praising GodIn what area of human endeavour are you seeking inspiration and ideas? One thing is for sure, no human, living or dead has claimed to have created himself or herself. I believe in the supernatural, this world did not just happen by accident or what some people describe as the Big Bang Phenomenon, but by design and the designer is God. He created every living thing and I believe he is interested in the affairs of men.
The Children Of Israel Are Not The JewsThose of the Spirit are searching for a closer link to the power. They have been misled and imprisoned by false doctrines and fake gods and its time they are removed so that the shining light can be seen.