How to Hear Your Inner Knowing – Connecting with the Divine to Receive Guidance EVERY DAY

Youth Ideas – Popcorn Christians

Popcorn is a seed that is hard and tasteless, until placed in the fire. And then the white goodness on the inside comes out for us to not only smell the aroma, but also to taste. It’s a powerful object lesson and metaphor for Christ working in us and drawing others to himself through us as Christians.

Worth, Value, Esteem – Just How Much God Thinks of You

Never question your worth. God went to the cross to secure us. Our worth is in Him.

Pastor As Carer (Curer) of Souls

PASTORS, I would argue, are wounded healers: in the business of healing persons in their midst; though they’re, themselves, somewhat and in some ways very wounded in nature. The Latin word cura means “care,” but it can be shown to indicate “cure.” According to Eugene Peterson in The Contemplative Pastor, the care of souls is “Scripture-directed and prayer-shaped” – a determination to work at the prime of a person; “to concentrate on the essential.”

God Is Angry And People Are Dying Because Of Retribution Against The False Gods

The spiritual people who know the real God avoid the things that hurt them. Those who are not linked to the Spirit chase after the things of the world and all the idols.

Homilies: A Means for Spiritual Development

Spiritual development needs some kind of nourishment. A homily can provide this nourishment if it is done properly and delivered with care. In this article are discussed two qualities that a homily should have. It should be transformational and Biblically oriented.

The Place Of Hope In This New Year

Why are you so downcast? This is a year pregnant with great treasures and full of glory. This New Year speaks of new things, new beginnings, new exploits, new life, new stories and testimonies! Will you allow hopelessness to rob you of these blessings? I think not, so get set for the best of times this year.

Fellowship With God – The Wisest Decision To Implement This Year

What decisions have you made for this year? Which ones must you implement? What you will encounter tomorrow is a result of the decisions you make and implement today. Every wise step gives rise to joy in future and foolish step breeds regrets. This article tells you one major decision you need to make and implement this year if you are to enjoy this year and experience success and glory.

New Year-Glory In The Highest! Peace On Earth!

Hallelujah! The curtain is drawn over last year! What would you remember last year for? How did you end it and how did you enter the New Year? This article is aimed at answering these questions

Enrich Your Personality With the Spiritual Growth

As we grow old, we tend to have stubborn attitude which puts an end to our growth. The mindset of an individual should always be in the learning mode which will keep the mind window always open. An open mind is the place to embrace and till a human embraces others, he is alive.

Such A Precious Gift Called Life

Life is a beautiful journey one channels through. Filled with up and down moments; one has to appreciate the precious journey given by the Creator, the source of life. A precious gift which is full of many possibilities, we are to receive life with open arms. Nevertheless, no one was promised a smooth journey. It wasn’t meant to last forever, thus a temporary task, one has to complete. It is a race one has to run. Those who win the race of life, for surety eternal life is granted.

Spiritual Path – How Negativity Jams Up Your Chakras

In case you’re not quite sure what a Chakra is… you’ve probably heard me say that energy is everything and everything is energy. With that said… we all have Chakra energy centers that regulate the natural flow of Chi or life-force energy throughout our bodies and our Aura.

The Worst, Yet Most Common Spiritual Abuse

Something I find there is too much of in the church is the minister or layperson who knows it all. They’ve not only put themselves beyond reach of their own growth, they’re an irritation (if not dangerous) around those people who choose to (or must) trust them.

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