EP 04 – Exploring 40,000 Years of Mysticism & Culture | Ride with Sadhguru

Stories, Storytelling and the Healing Process

The power of stories combined by love provides the foundation for healing on many different levels. The storyteller, with every telling of healing stories, gives a precious gift. The stories told by the storyteller provide a means for people to strengthen themselves and begin to heal.

The Complete Teachings On How To Become A True Christian

This article could appear in many forms like ”Mentor – ship On How To Become A True Christian.” ”The Complete doctrine On How To Become A True Christian.” ”The Complete Teachings On How To Become A True Believer.” or even ”The Complete Teachings On How To Become A Christian.”

Twelve Days of Christmas (Day Two – Jesus & John)

ON THE SECOND day of Christmas my True Love sent to me two turtledoves. The two turtle doves are the Holy Spirit indwelled Jesus and his predecessor, the forerunner, John the Baptist, and their families.

On the Third Day of Christmas (Holy Trinity)

The three French hens, without any disrespect intended, can only be the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. They are not faith, hope and love from my view of things, as these are not as central to Christmas as the function of the Trinity is. So, to imagine this is hard, but God gave us God in the fullness of God, and God was Present with us.

The Deeper Ministry In the Called Life

You know your ministry has been special to God in the heavens because of the warfare you’ve had to endure. And endure it you have. Hear his words: “Well done, good and faithful servant,” as you endure in bringing his heavenly will to earth, one angel’s wish at a time.

On the Fourth Day of Christmas (The Gospels)

ON THE FOURTH day of Christmas my True Love sent to me four calling birds. Our four gospels are the four calling birds that call our awareness at Advent to the narrative of Jesus given by four different genres: as a structured and didactic Jewish jewel in Matthew; an unfolding motion picture epic in Mark; an eloquently factual social justice gospel in Luke; and, Jesus as the Son of God in John.

On Being in Love With God II

What does it mean to ‘be in love with God’? From what I see in the Bible and the life of Jesus Himself, to love God is to live and walk as Jesus did, in an obedience that comes from faith and from the heart. Not an external repression by a legalistic moral code or fearfilled compliance, but the result of a deep and intimate knowing of He Who IS love, righteousness, holiness and truth. Nothing else will do.

Can There Be Preparedness in Meeting the Afterlife? A Spiritual Exploration

It is good to apply ourselves to the issue of afterlife because it helps to bring about a natural orderliness in our present life on earth. In that direction, messages from Near Death Experiences can be of great help.

The Hard Stance on Morality

We will never see America become a Christian nation again until the day the church takes absolutely no stance on morality as it applies to the outside world. When the world sees that the church absolutely does not care who you are, where you’re from, what terrible things you’ve done, then and only then will we see revival. At that point the church will realize the most powerful and important thing we can do is love the lost with our actions, not our words and our judgments.

Morality and the Real Enemy

Morality is a road block to Christians living in the will of God. Many, if not most, people center their faith on the morals of their religion and focus their efforts on minimizing their sins. This mindset is the worst thing for the Christian Community. We need to break this mindset and move on to building His kingdom!

Twelve Days of Christmas – Day One – Jesus

ON THE FIRST day of Christmas my True Love sent to me a partridge in a pear tree. That partridge is Jesus of the Nativity, and the pear tree is seen either as an allusion to the Nativity or to his cross. I’ll focus on the latter image.

Spirituality Is a Personal Choice

Choosing to walk the spiritual path is a very personal decision. It is a decision that only you can make. No one can, nor do they have the right to, compel you to make this choice. It is a personal matter – a personal choice.

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