Angels – Angel of Reconciliation Meher
Reconciliation is the conscious act of integrating two or more facets of ourselves together into oneness. In truth, we are one with our past, present and future experiences and opportunities. In the absence of carrying forth the burdens of the past, we are gifted with the freedom to no longer carry false beliefs in our thoughts and heart-center.
Becoming Aware of and Doing God’s WillWe may or may not do the right thing whether we’re in control or not. Our will must join with God’s if we’re to do the right thing in little and large matters; in matters within and out of our control.
Praying to One’s SelfWe usually think of prayer as an appeal to some higher power. This is the ego’s way of thinking. I don’t pray for intervention in the world, but for intervention in my mind, for that’s where I most need help.
Tell Me Even One Good Reason I Should Trust GodLife takes us to the abysmal depths whether we believe in God or not. Some lives are sheltered, but most only for so long. Sooner or later the winds of change blow through the attics and basements of our lives sending our past into oblivion, our future to the dogs.
Why Our Suffering Means So Much to GodEMOTIONAL weakness, physical paucity, mental illness, and the like – weaknesses of the human condition in sum – connect us to God. Without these we could have no real, veritable relationship with this Lord who suffered. Jesus Christ is the pattern for life in that he bore in and through and over his own body the sufferings of a brutal reality, which is life, from within which the brutal reality of his death was suffered.
No Playing Spiritual KamikazeRecall the Japanese Zeros of the Second World War, and their pilots, so committed to the Japanese effort, they used their planes as bombs by ploughing into enemy warships. Few survived. It was not only an intentional suicide, these suicide bombers took out sometimes hundreds of others in their wake. Playing spiritual kamikaze occurs when we’ve not tended to the core work of spiritual maintenance and upkeep; suddenly a plethora of perplexing emotional stimuli comes in and we don’t have the spiritual backup we’d ordinarily rely on.
Not Resisting ResistanceExploring resistance in the mind. When we accept things as they are, “go with the flow,” there is ease-sukka. This is our natural state of mind-content and relaxed. Dukkha arises when we resist our experience. Our natural state of ease becomes veiled by a self-created discontent.
Where Christianity Went Wrong“Be ye therefore perfect, even as your father which is in heaven is perfect.” Matt. 5. The standard Christian approach to this verse is to assume that since they are imperfect mortal persons, and they can’t think of any way to get rid of their ongoing, daily sins, mistakes and shortcomings, their belief in Jesus must be the only way remaining to solve the problem.
Psychic Reading: To Know The Truth About LifeThe psychic is a pseudo science that deals in providing information about the events that are associated with science. In this, the psychics provide information about the past, present & future.
We Can Choose to Feel Lonely, But We Are Never AlonePerhaps you think I am playing with words or trying to be clever. I can assure you that I am not. I know what it is to feel lonely. I know how easy it is to believe that I am alone and that no one cares – that it is just me against the world. I know how quickly I can allow myself to have a full-out pity party of one. All this can happen in the blink of an eye when I buy into the story that my ego wants me to believe – that I am separate from everyone else and that I am on my own in this world.
Why the Best Prayers Are Inexpressible PrayersGod is good. But what does this really mean? What does it actually say? Perhaps we can only unpack what this actually means and says when we enter into the Presence of the LORD… by prayer; by listening into the Spirit by silent contemplation, by praising him prayerfully in worship, and by being ensconced in the Spirit.
What If There Were No Rules?Thousands of so called “football games” are played every week on playgrounds and in parks all over the United States? They do their best to try and emulate the standard for football, but obviously, on many levels they don’t. But whether it’s a pickup game in the park or the NFL, real life is not a game. There’s a standard for what’s right in the game of football, and for everything else too!