The Co-Dependent CURE To NEVER Being Needy Again In Love, Relationships & LIFE

The Eternity Between Existence and Eternity

“PEOPLE these days don’t think enough about eternity.” This was a comment I overheard at a church meeting that intrigued me. Since them I’d been fascinated with the eternity between existence and eternity.

Same God Different Day

Since the beginning of life as we know it, there has been one constant. God has always and forever will be that constant. Our struggles are not new and not unique. Jeremiah 32:27 I am the Lord the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me? Whatever miracle God has performed he can surely do it again. When we give the proper respect we gain an invaluable ally, protector and conqueror. To know God is to love him. Love is an action word. It is our actions that measure our faith.

As We Sow Good Seed in the Name of Jesus Christ, Pray for a Strong Spiritual Transformation!

In the spiritual realm, many are quite unaware of the vital importance of the seed we sow day by day. We are sowing seed sometimes even when we do not realise it. People watch those of us who belong to Jesus Christ and who claim to be born again and baptised with the Holy Spirit and anointed with the Holy Spirit. We sow seed in all kinds of ways. Over these next few days make a deliberate effort to be positive and encouraging and helpful and generous with the praise you give people, and let it be genuine praise and not flattery. And then after these few days pass, continue to ask God to help you to sow seed. This world is an increasingly dark place where many are afraid of what is going to happen next and people need someone whom they can turn to and trust.

May God Send Another Man, With a Saving and Rescuing Word, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ!

There is a wild violent fierce storm in the Mediterranean and on this occasion it is because a man of God has run away from God and what Almighty God was calling him to do. God called Jonah and gave him commands from which he ran. When God gives us commands it is always for our own good. Very few people truly realise that. When we decide to defy Almighty God and refuse to listen to Jesus Christ, the Son of God, there are many sad consequences and grief and God wishes to save and rescue us from such sore and wounding situations and circumstances. Jonah is rescued and we read of that in Chapter 2 and he finally goes to preach in Nineveh which is where there is much trouble today, in that region of Syrian and Iraq.

Sometimes Our Ego Is in the Place That Should Be Reserved for Almighty God and God Alone!

What a picture we have of the rebellious church fast asleep in the midst of a storm, and you do not know you are asleep until you wake up! The church can make decisions and do things when asleep which she would not otherwise do when awake! I have seen parts of what is called the church make some appalling decision over these past few years, particularly in the area of ethics and morality, as the so-called leaders move further away from the standards and principles of the Word of God as we have the Word of God in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. When men move away from the standards and principles of the Word of God serious problems in society and families and individuals personal lives arise like a sudden storm with dire consequences. We have witnessed all this recently in the world of banking and finance.

Different Times, Different Places, Different Soul Mates

On the physical plane, there seems to be a correlation between where we live, what we are experiencing and the people we attract to us. This seems to apply to soul mates as well. I think most of us realize there is a difference between a soul mate and a twin flame.

As Men Move Away From the Standards of the Word of God, Problems Arise Like a Wild Violent Storm!

There was a Board Meeting in a London Bank a few weeks ago where some people had handled financial transactions disastrously, thinking only of self and selfish interests and money for their own account. Things had gone very wrong. The question was raised. How can we get values back into the Bank and what can we do to restore values back into banking, and one voice was heard asking, “Whose values?” All is well. Well, that is how it looks, but it certainly is not. I am away to Joppa and there is to be no Jerusalem for me, and no Nineveh for me either. I have found a ship, and I have paid the fare and off we sail. God is coming too and Jonah did not expect that. There were various situations Jonah did not expect, but he is going to experience them over these next hours and days and weeks.

Be Your Own Cheerleader!

Do you let the validation from others, or lack of it, get you down and begin to define who you are? That is the topic of my current ramble!

Regarding Disobedience, One Colleague Said Recently – I Fear God’s Disapproval More Than Man’s!

One could almost argue that God was with Jonah, almost answering specific prayers, but the Word of God teaches differently. We must never evaluate our spiritual condition by circumstance alone. It is Jesus and His Word which matters. Never rely upon feelings, but upon Jesus and His Word and the supportive praying fellowship around you. When we go God’s way we will find circumstances and companions too, and a fellowship through which God speaks and ministers. What did this man do when he heard from Almighty God and received a very specific task to do for Almighty God? Jonah arose, and he begins to run away from God, disobedient to the call of God and reluctant to serve and obey as God had called him to serve and obey. He should have gone east, but he goes west. This is God’s man turning his back on God. There have been many people like this down through the ages.

This Is the Finest Thing You Can Hear, and the Finest Thing You Can Do – Hearing From Almighty God!

There are miracles in this book, and some people find miracles hard to accept, and that might be part of the reason as to why many regard it as fiction! Some do try to write it off as some far fetched fairy tale. That is something it is not! It is now many years ago when I first heard from Almighty God and let me reassure you that it has lasted. If you ask, I am more than pleased to furnish you with the details. The most valuable thing is the living God coming to you with His Word and through His Word. Jonah is given a most unwelcome task and ministry.

We All Need Guidelines, Guidance, Direction and Warnings, to Enable Us to Avoid Sin!

Yes, there is one glaring failure mentioned in this book and there is a very good reason for that. Why does Almighty God include the account of certain individual’s failures? It is to help show how man has to repent of his pride and some men do not like that being pointed out. What can we learn from the opening Chapter of the book of Jonah? God would have us avoid sin and how we must not set our heart on matters that are bad and evil. These are teaching to warn us and we all need guidelines and guidance and direction and warnings. This book is a book about God and what God does. It was written to tell us about God.

Restoration for Vile Bodies and Depraved Minds

Niceties like toilet breaks, sex, monthly periods, and childbirth may be privileges peculiar to this earth. In addition we are privileged to have our own peculiarly individual imperfections. The article attempts to explain our lowly estate by painting us as pawns in an inter-galactic war.

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