Idol Curiosity
When we think of idols, a picture comes to mind of a statue in a temple, perhaps. But idols can take many forms, even in our sophisticated society. In fact, I believe thee are more idols today than ever before in history.
Funeral Faces: The Power of GreedHave you ever noticed that people put on a.”funeral face” for a day after their loved one has passed away, then the fighting begins about who gets what. There probably was fighting going on before they passed away also, because of greed. They may want their loved one to die faster if hospice is involved.The power of greed takes over your life if you let it, because you are never content.
Do You Have Healthy Spiritual Boundaries?As an Intuitive/Healer I have had to spend more time trying to close myself down than opening myself up to tune in. One of the biggest learnings in my life has been how to heal my over-empathy, and my boundaries which are way too open. I have had trauma in my life at a very early age which caused my boundaries to stay frozen in that open state.
Do You Have Part Of Your Soul Stuck In A Past Life?A big part of my healing has been to heal the ancestral energy that is impacting me today, and even though I do past life healings for others, they haven’t really presented themselves to me in the same way as the ancestral energy has. War Something I have found for myself, and my clients, is that most, if not all of us, have been impacted by the energy of War, from last century. My Great Uncle fought in WW1 and never returned, and this energetic legacy I felt was still alive in my…
Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Matthew 7 Verse 13COMMONALITY of purpose aligns us more than we imagine. Our human purpose is of sophistry when God’s purpose is goodness in everything we do. Our purpose aligns with our default and we act in all manner of idolatry, or our purpose is conformed to God by the transformation of the Spirit.
Does Everything In Your Life Glorify God?Have you ever taken a mental inventory of what glorifies God in your life? When you did this evaluation, did you include things you possess? Your possessions, in part, help tell others about you in many ways.
Have You Lost Your Way?A Roman general known for his valour, insisted a slave follow him everywhere holding a sign that read, momento mori which translated means, “remember that you have to die.” I invite you to consider the extent of your life be measured by the significant moments instead of missed opportunities. Knowing life is short, we must seize the day to discover our path.
The Shift From Spiritual Unconsciousness to Spiritual ConsciousnessWe all have within us a forgotten state of being that is hidden by our incessant thoughts. This state of spiritual unconsciousness is the norm for most of humanity presently, but the shift to spiritual awareness is close to each and every one of us.
Discover Your Soul to Achieve the Ultimate Aim of LifeIn this fast-paced life, we have achieved all the materialistic bliss but we have forgotten something very important, the actual aim of life. Help yourself grow spiritually and fulfill the true purpose of life.
Become Aware Spiritually To Your True Divine SelfA look back into your passed lives. Awake spiritually to the divine truth of ones self.
Know That When Almighty God Calls You He Will Provide and Supply All You Need to Fulfil His Will!I have just returned from speaking to, and teaching, a group of young people on the topic of Creation. The question session was lively and there was an appreciation once we drew to a conclusion. This was an opportunity I was so grateful to have had. I will never have that same opportunity again. Many people waste their lives. And yet, many people would like to be regarded as a great person. What does it mean to be a great person? It all has to do with how we serve! Greatness depends upon our making great decisions or a great choice. Do you want to make a real difference in your life and in the lives of those around you? Then, give yourself to a purpose greater than yourself.
I Think I Might Be PsychicThink you might be psychic? You’re right! This article describes what it means to be psychic and gives tips on developing the natural gifts we all possess.