5 Things You Should Know About the FULL Moon (January 17th, 2022)

A Theology for Safe Ministry With Vulnerable People – God Is Everywhere

Christian ministry isn’t ever purposed or achieved in hurting or betraying people. It is always – and can only ever be – a process by which people are built up, encouraged, inspired, discipled, and, principally, kept safe.

The Power of the Word of God In Defeating Temptation

Jesus always operates principally through the Word. He is the Word. But his power comes channelled via the Holy Spirit. And when we bring the invocation for the Spirit to bear through his Word – the Bible – we find that we have our foundation for power, through poverty, meekness, humility, and fatigue – in sum, weakness.

Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Matthew 7 Verse 2

BOOMERANGS of Australia are the indigenous’ weapon for striking a small animal from a distance in order to achieve one’s sustenance out in the bush. Of course, there are more favoured tools these days.

If Your Spiritual Experience Has Been Real Then Never Forget It, But Continue to Shine!

There are times and occasions and significant incidents and events and experiences in our lives which we should remember and make the effort never to forget. Many are going through difficult, challenging, and painful days, and thousands, and even millions are being faced with situations which they thought would never cross their path. As we witness and share our faith we are not only being obedient but we are being the salt of the earth and the light of the world. We can be shining in people’s darkness and we may be totally unaware of the powerful influence we are having. We are called to be the agents of God’s love to other people and that is an exciting responsibility. Do you remember that day when you first met Jesus Christ? Then, never forget it!

Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Matthew 7 Verse 3

READING others is always an inferior task to that of allowing God to use others in order to read ourselves. In other words, there is such benefit in allowing the Holy Spirit to speak through others about areas of sin and failing in our lives. The opposite, of course, is to become fixated on the miniscule speck in the brother’s eye. There is no learning in that for us, really, at any time.

Creative Courage

The is article is about the struggle of working a job you hate, while to trying to find the courage to do more with your life. It is a personal story of creative courage.

Do Our Bones Hold the Memory of Reincarnation?

Spirit comes to me in my dreams. Every night we go to the center of the Cosmos right within our own self. We go back to our Source to be healed and receive guidance. Eighty per cent of our dreams are compensatory, they help to analyze and solve the problems of the day.

How Spiritual Are You? Care To Find Out?!

Here are 8 things to show how spiritual we are. How strongly do you identify yourself in the list? Will you be fired up and inspired! In spite of all the adversity we are growing spiritually…

Spiritual Awareness – Wakening the Conscious Being Inside

The way of the world is mostly the identification of “self” with the forms that make up the obvious things around us. When we are within this egoic mind state, we do not fully realize the spiritual aspect of ourselves, our conscious state of being. There are an increasing number of humans on the planet who are wakening to a spiritual state of being that is separate from the ego. These humans are beginning to realize the peace that is often promised by organized religious organizations in which the essence of the truth was once found but has since faded into confusion.

Dude, Where’s My Church?

People want what God has, yet the don’t want it from God. Why do people reinvent the wheel already made round by God? What is the nature of the Church?

Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Matthew 6 Verse 34b

JESUS doesn’t say “don’t worry” in the unconditional sense. We are appropriately obedient when we are appropriately concerned. We are diligent to be chastened mentally and emotionally to follow up the matters we are responsible for.

Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Matthew 7 Verse 1

OUT of our innate humanness, that which has become us, extant the Fall, we are betrothed to a sinister want of carnage – to indemnify our own fault-worthy acts and omissions, but to hold others accountable for theirs. Jesus’ will is the repeal of such a betrothal. And since we have become his – if indeed we are – we are to indemnify others whilst taking hold of the awareness of the faults-of-worth we, ourselves, exact.

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