Weekly Energy Update | 1/17 to 1/23/2022 | Victor Oddo

Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – The Lord’s Prayer – Part 2 of 3

Our Lord’s prayer: Of this prayer is our personal relationship with God, the world, and all things. It’s a prayer we can pray privately and publically. It’s so readily recognised everywhere, even with those who were never taught to pray it.

Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – The Lord’s Prayer – Part 1 of 3

JUST how are we to approach prayer? Jesus answers this question in an elemental way. He gives the disciples a model for what and how they are to pray. The ‘how’ has already been handled. Now we are directed to the ‘what’.

How a Christian Is To Be Known

A Christian may know they are just who they are, not by how others accept them, but by how accepting they are of others. This is a very active Word that Jesus gives.

Why Do We Have to Go Through The Pains Of Life?

Sometimes we wonder why we have to go through the pain in life. However this article will look at why pain, trails, and tribulations are they are a necessary evil in our lives.

Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Matthew 6 Verse 14

JUSTICE is the LORD’S business and nobody else’s, especially with regard to personal justice. No one can avenge a wrong done against us; no one but the LORD.

It Is Foolishness To Compare Yourself With Others

How far have you gone with your purpose in life? You are special and unique before God and so is your purpose. But comparing yourself with others will distract you and hinder you from fulfilling it. The people you compare yourself with are not better positioned than you are before God, what you have and where you are, are enough for you to deliver. This article gives you reasons why it is foolishness to compare yourself with others.

Angels – Angel Prince of the West Ambelain

The farthest point on the Wheel of the Four Winds is West, symbolizing completion and release. With the setting of the Sun, the Giver of Life, we come to a point of transition between light and dark. Ambelain, the Angel Prince of the West, holds the key to going within at the end of each day.

The Reasons We Create

Taking a step back and investigating how we perceive the world around us. A new way of looking at why we hold so tightly to the things that distract us from the state of whole uninterrupted awareness. Why can’t we convince ourselves that it’s an illusion?

Balance Your Chakras

The 7 chakra centers are spiritual energy centers that are associated with areas of the physical body. In Sanskrit, the word chakra means “wheel.” You can think of chakras as wheels of energy.

How I Answered a Desperate Cry for Help From a Man Tormented by Evil Spirits

I recently received a message from a man who stated he is being tormented by demonic spirits. He requested my assistance in removing them from his body. I assumed he read one of my past articles concerning astral entities. This was my reply to him:

Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Matthew 6 Verse 8

WANTS and needs God knows. And though we may severely doubt at times even whether God cares, he listens and he does seek faithfully after our best. He who brought us into being by that miraculous conception, foetal formation, and final delivery into this wondrous, inescapable, and sometimes dark existence, wills us toward the best.

Why God and Life Owe Us Nothing

INHERITANCES are often the cause of much conflict within families – for the perceptions of injustice in the bequeathing of ‘riches’ unfairly. Indeed, some of the most childish and selfish behaviours come extant the person who expects more than they are given!

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