Should We Look For Heaven, Hell and God
The first step is to know what you are talking about. Not only in this question, but I mean that in every moment of life, on any subject. If you are discussing God, heaven and hell literally, but there is no way we can understand these things as a normal human no matter what you would like to imagine, reality is that this is probably not possible, the question becomes a distraction and diversion from the present moment.
What Does ‘Being Spiritual’ Really MeanWhen I was younger I wanted, as many people do, to be more spiritual, I wanted to devote my life to a spiritual path. Even while I was in business I spent about six hours a day on various practices. Meditation, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, studies of ancient texts and constant awareness practices. The time came for me to
Why We Do Not Progress As Far As We Want To On A Spiritual PathThere are many spiritual schools and many people who follow their paths and try to improve themselves, but so few make any significant progress. This is the topic I would like to discuss. Having spent most my life in the pursuit of perfecting my Being, and in that search having been to many schools around the world, I have found that the largest and most popular ones are focused on finding happiness.
Holding Forth The Word Of LifeThere is just something about our human nature that wants to dispute and defend our opinions, but in Philippians 2:14, it tells us, “Do all things without complaining or disputing (arguing).” How many of you out there know that at times not complaining and arguing is not an easy thing to do?
Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Matthew 6 Verse 7LESS is more, both on earth and in heaven, it seems. What might not even be expressed with words has a weight of worthiness a hundred-fold worthier in significance. So it is with prayer.
We Learn Spiritual Lessons in Earlier Years But Only Later Discover Their Profound Significance!God did not need you and God did not need me but He decided to make you and love you and me. This is how valuable we are to Him. How strange things turn out. I picked up that book by Professor James S Stewart, and the page I read has lingered in my mind most the past week. He was my Professor of New Testament at the University of Edinburgh and he was also known as the ‘prince of preachers’. He rather detested the phrase but there was a great deal of truth in it. In the pulpit he was a spiritual giant and there are not many such men around today. We became friends because of various interests in our life and for that friendship I give Almighty God thanks and praise.
A Book, a Refreshing Reminder, a Reassuring Confirmation, But Perhaps Raising a Question for You?Professor James S. Stewart’s book was sitting prominently on my shelf and I had not looked at it for years. It was Saturday evening and I opened it at page 52 and my eye espied, “If I Had Only One Sermon to Preach”! Prof Stewart was my New Testament Professor in the University of Edinburgh many years ago and because of various circumstances we became quite close friends. We were made by God and we were made for God, and once you realise that so much in life appears to unfold so much simpler and so less complicated. I was eight years old when almighty God called me to be a preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and a teacher of the Scriptures and although it has been uphill and challenging the road has always been clear. But one day my heart will stop, as will your heart, and we had better be ready. This life is the preparation for eternity, and if we do not see this and understand this we will waste our life.
Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Matthew 6 Verse 6Jesus, in getting to the very heart of how to commune with God, is insisting we cannot know the Father without going into our innermost room – the sanctuary of the soul. Going into our innermost room has nothing to do with the environment without but it has maximum to do with the conditions of silence from within.
Object Lesson – Reflecting Christ’s Image – Object Lesson Using FoilAluminum foil is one of those things we often take for granted. It has so many uses. But this week’s lesson uses foil to remind us that as Christians we are destined to be conformed to the image of Christ, reflecting Him in all that we do. It’s not just being seen as Christlike, but God molding us and shaping us into the image of His Perfect Son.
Knock On Jesus’ Door And You Will Never Go Empty HandedWhen last did you knock on Jesus Christ’s door? The Lord is always receiving knocks on His door and He is expecting yours too. Nobody knocks on His door in faith and returns empty handed. Jesus is the God of all possibilities and your case cannot be the first impossible case. This article tells you more about this.
Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Matthew 6 Verse 5THE LANGUAGE of God is not to be abused, but we have all fallen short of our Lord’s glory in prayer. We all, I suspect, know how hard it is to pray – to be honest before the throne of grace – or even to know how to speak honestly.
Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Matthew 6 Verses 3-4THE COST of discipleship is like Peter’s denial, but it isn’t a denial of the Lord; it’s a denial of ourselves. Jesus has freed us in order to be individuals of the Kingdom, scattered like a diaspora in the world, but we only bring glory to his covenant intent when we say about ourselves – having come to know ourselves implicitly – “I do not know this man/woman.”