POWERFUL Full Moon in Cancer: Dance In Your Madness! January Energy Reading
Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Matthew 7 Verses 9-10 WE ARE good, aren’t we, for our children? That is a very controversial statement. In actuality, it’s an aspiration for…
Integrating Spirituality into Ordinary Life | Eckhart Tolle Teachings
Idol Curiosity When we think of idols, a picture comes to mind of a statue in a temple, perhaps. But idols can take many forms, even in our sophisticated society….
There Are No Good and Bad People | Sadhguru #sadhguru #shorts #good #bad
Sleep Disorders in Astrology A good sleep is necessary for optimal health and can affect mood, weight and hormone levels. Sleeping disorders and sleeping problems are common modern complaint,including insomnia,…
How To LET GO, MOVE ON & Make 2022 Your Year!
Victory Of Jesus A Reality By The Help Of The Holy Spirit Do you desire help in your endeavour? I recommend the help of the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ enjoyed…
Why You Should Always Trust Your Higher Self…
Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Matthew 7 Verse 29 AUTHORITY is something that Jesus had as divinely appropriated. But it’s also something he had to learn as a human…
Cauvery Calling – 2 Decades of Restoring Soil | Sadhguru
Jesus’ Sermon On the Mount – Jesus, The Teacher JESUS as teacher. What do we make of his Sermon? What Are the Akashic Records Anyway? The Akashic Records are part…
What Karma Can Do to You | Sadhguru #shorts #karma #sadhguru
How the Soul Works God is an Ethereal Intelligent Energy that continually divides itself through a birthing process that creates new cells. These cells are immature versions of the one…
5 MAGICAL Ways to Align to 5D Here & Now: 5th Dimensional Living DAILY
Bible Memorization Is Not Just For Children Let’s make a list of essential Christian disciplines, shall we? These would be activities that are a “must” for any believer to live…
How To Live Your Life Purpose In 2022: (For Lightworkers)
Gaining the Wisdom of God If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, who giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not, and it shall be given…
How to Transmit Presence without Speaking | Eckhart Tolle Teachings
How To Access The Help Of The Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit is the best companion to have. He is the Helper Jesus promised His disciples that He would ask…